952 – Understanding the Shivalingam

The Shivalingam is a symbol of the supreme consciousness in the creative form. The term lingam represents the state of existence that is invisible and unseen. It is used as a representation of Shiva. It is abstract and its ultimate reality is incomprehensible to anyone, even a saint. So how does one comprehend the ultimate reality. It is only possible to comprehend it as the Shiva Lingam.

The Shivalingam is a black, oval shaped stone that is not carved or manmade. It is found in that shape and can be from a few inches to fifteen feet in height. It is an ancient symbol of an event that triggered a man’s consciousness and brought him from an instinctive level to the state of human being.

The most important manifestations of Shiva

The human body has twelve centers, which are considered to be important points of concentration for the improvement and awakening of one’s consciousness. The three most important points are the mooladhara chakra at the base of the spine; the second is ajna chakra at the top of the spine, behind the eyebrow center, and the third is the sahasrara chakra, the cosmic brain, at the crown of the head. These three points are considered to be the most important manifestations of Shiva.

The forms of Shiva are different at the three chakras. At the mooladhara chakra the lingam is smoky grey, oval shaped, and has no illumination. The second lingam at the ajna chakra is black in color. The third lingam at the sahasrara chakra is said to be the crystal or illumined.

The Shivalingam relates to the highest consciousness within one, which has to be manifested. The Shivalingam has inspired Hindus for thousands of years to follow the path from gross to the subtle, subtle to causal and causal to transcendental. Worship and meditation on the Shiva Lingam is considered very important because it can explode the inner source of awareness.

Om Namah Shivaya

Extracted from ‘Upasana, in the presence of the Divine.’ Yoga Publications Trust, Munger, Bihar, India.

Aim Hrim Klim

Photo by Sonika Agarwal on Unsplash

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