How is our potential described? It is awareness, which means evolving and manifestation of what one can accomplish. Individual awareness is powerful and knowledgeable. When one develops this awareness and one becomes conscious of it, then it converts into high powered energy.
Animals on the other hand, eat, sleep and are totally unaware of their strength. If one raises a tiger cub, the cub is not aware that it has sharp teeth and claws. The difference is that one has the quality of the witness, observer of self. The practice of Yoga leads to a blossoming of different layers of awareness which one has inherited from one’s forefathers. One is born with this ability of being a self-seer.
Yogic sadhanas give one clarity and when there is a revelation, and the experience is like being in two bodies. One is watching oneself. This results in the development of spiritual awareness, and one’s dormant qualities materialize. One becomes in tune with oneself and with others. However, without guidance, many Yogic practices can be disruptive and cause acute disturbances for one. The reason is that many persons think that developing psychic powers, telepathy and clairvoyance is the objective.
The ways to your potentials
The correct method has to be used, and this means one has to practice pratyahara (sensory withdrawal), then dharana (concentration) and finally dhyana (meditation). One must quieten one’s mind and this means one has to cease conversing with one’s thoughts. The next step is to practice the Samvrit pranayama, which balances one’s prana (vital breath). Without the balancing of the left and right hemisphere, the sympathetic and parasympathetic system, one is in a stressful state.
In this pranayama, one breathes in, pauses, exhales, pauses. This is one round, one should practice 27 rounds. The nostrils are to be unblocked and this is accomplished through Anuloma Viloma. Anuloma Viloma is visualizing the breath going in and out of the left nostril. Then one visualizes the breath going in and out of the right nostril. This breathing can be performed 27 times, through each nostril. Finally, one breathes through both nostrils, visualizing the breath going through both nostrils, meeting at the eyebrow center, and then descending through both nostrils. This is called triangular breathing. It is to be done 54 times, counting backwards without error. If there is an error, it means one is engaging with one’s thoughts. The counting and visualizing are the key to disengagement with the thoughts. Now one has become aware of the sadhana, and one can add the mantra, Soham to it.
The sadhana of Ajapa japa is now introduced. Ajapa japa has another very popular name, Transcendental Meditation. One visualizes the breath rising from the navel to the throat, when one is inhaling and descending from the throat to the navel, when one is exhaling. Ideally one should practice the breath rising and falling for 20 minutes for a month. Then one visualizes the breath as a tube of light, rising from the navel, when inhaling, saying So. When exhaling, visualizing the breath descending from the throat as a tube of light to the navel, chanting Ham. 20 minutes is the prescribed time.
Daily sadhana will result in enhanced consciousness and sensitivity to others. Remember the proof of the pudding is in the eating of it.
Aim Hrim Klim
Photo by Mohamed Nohassi on Unsplash