925 – World Yoga Day

Yoga will emerge as a mighty culture and change the course of world events.

My only request for aspirants is; be constantly aware of the spiritual self beyond the body and mind.

Transform every act of yours into an act of Yoga.

Pain is a cross on which nature hangs a man whenever She wishes to make him a sublime superman.

by Swami Satyananda Saraswati. 1963

Selfless service is a complete spiritual sadhana. It is the simplest and easiest path to God.

Selfless service acts as a detergent and washes away the dirt of karma.

Irregularity in practice is the main obstacle in Yoga Sadhana. Those who wish to move forward have to raise one foot at each advancing step.

by Swami Niranjanananda Saraswati

It is not what we get from work that is important, but what we become from it.

Belief is important; it is the only force that holds our mind and emotions together. However, belief should not become an obsession, for then it blocks other forms of understanding, and acceptance of other people’s beliefs.

Try to make your life eternally divine through the process of sadhana.

God forever accepts the surrender of a real devotee and in return gives him his glory, power and everything, so much so that he does not mind even serving his devotee.

by Swami Sivananda, the Guru of all Gurus

If we follow even one of these quotes, our spiritual awareness will be awakened. Dear ones, perform your daily sadhana, perform karma yoga and accept the pain. Have faith in your belief, and realize the divinity within yourself.

Aim Hrim Klim

Photo by Eneko Uruñuela on Unsplash

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