There are two wars we all have to fight. One war is waged on the battlefield and the second war is within us. The first war is waged against external enemies and the second war is waged against our thoughts. Yoga enables us to fight the war within.
In external battles we are aware that we must be strong to fight. Countries are warring with each other, and the threat is loss of independence. We take this very matter of factly but what about our internal disruptions? They gain control over us, and we lose our balance and harmony. In fact this leads to external warfare, which we are being subjected to. There is hatred, greed, and anger and these have shackled us. The wars are forgetting that people are dying and starving. The fuel is the aggression and accumulated resentment. This external war is emanating from our thirst for power.
How can we change this explosive fuel to subtle energy (prana) which will change our behavior? We are self-defeated, and this is happening because we are in a state of suffering. We feel imprisoned within ourselves and are in acute distress. Diseases and viruses are prevalent and we are afraid of that we may get them. It is a normal response to hug or pet someone, and now we pause before we hug someone.
A pet or a hug does make one feel good. The practice of Yoga enables us to purify ourselves. Purification means that we shed our burden of anxiety and emotions. We build our selves through our daily sadhana and become self-reliant and use our skillset to the best of our ability.
What daily sadhana can we do?
The simple practice of Trataka will help us. Keep ten minutes aside in the morning. Light a candle and gaze at it. Be aware of it and nothing else. When you want to blink, close your eyes and concentrate on the image you see in your eyebrow center. When it vanishes, open your eyes and again gaze at the candle flame. This will make your mind centered and you will find that thoughts will also be shed away.
If we all performed this sadhana daily, we would flood the world with prana, the liberating force within us and become free of oppression collectively.
Aim Hrim Klim
Photo by Samuel Clara on Unsplash