Why does one sit in a classic meditative pose?

Swami Niranjananda explains the importance of performing sadhana in a classic meditative pose. There is a technique called Yantra pranayama, which is to be practiced in Kaya Sthairyam. I have written about it and there is a YouTube of mine on it. However, dear ones, I will refresh your memory. It is a guided meditation, where one learns to become still and comfortable. Its origin is in Yoga. Kaya Sthairyam is also a wonderful standalone practice.

In Kaya Sthairyam one can practice Yantra pranayama. The pose is when one sits in Siddhyoni or siddha asana, or Sukh asana, legs make one triangle with the apex at the tail bone, while the arms and head make another triangle. The triangle made when one sits is the Shakti triangle. It represents the element earth. When one sits on the floor in the Shakti triangle, one is connected to Prithvi (earth) element. This is the reason, why practitioners of Yoga do not sit on chairs with their legs hanging down. When they sit on the floor, they are creating a Yantra.

One is connected to the earth from the base of one’s spine to one’s thighs and knees, and the body has created a triangle. The tip of the triangle is the tip of one’s coccyx bone, from where the upward ascent takes place. From the Prithvi element one moves up. In this meditative pose, one is aware, and one visualizes what is happening in the spine. From the Prithvi element one moves up. Now from this pose, one is aware of one’s breathing, the chakras and the movement. The spine is the path of ascent from Mooladhara (Prithvi base) to Sahasrara, the transcendental.

Shiva triangle

The body from the Prithvi base upwards, takes the shape of Shiva triangles, upward triangles. There is one Shakti triangle at the base and all the rest are Shiva triangles. If one looks from the front, there is a Shiva triangle pointing up. It one looks from the side, there is a Shiva triangle pointing up. If one sees from the back, there is a Shiva triangle. The body has become a pyramid, when one is in the pose. What happens now is that the highest energy is drawn just as it is said that a pyramid attracts energy.

Therefore, in the posture of Kaya Sthairyam, one moves along the Shiva element, until one reaches Sahasrara, where Shakti unites with Shiva.

Dear ones the combined sadhana of Kaya Sthairyam and Yantra pranayama is wonderful. One is in a passive, responsive state.

My gratitude to Swami Satyananda, my Guru and Swami Niranjananda for being able to share these Anmol ratans (invaluable jewels) with you. Once you understand and practice it, you are the self-realized owner of this Gnana.

I will also add that all of us, who are from the Bihar School of Yoga are blessed with the message that we must share our knowledge with everyone.

Aim Hrim Klim


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