Shantih Mantras and Kathopanishad

SwamiS_1This lecture by Swami Sivananda begins by chanting some of the Shantih mantras, followed by a discussion of the nature of the Self. The Knowledge of the Atman, or supreme Self, is subtle and cannot be realized by our own doing. He discusses many topics such as: the individual soul is identical with Brahman, the importance of a guru, the sreya marga and preya marga, avidya, and more.

Historical recording of Swami Sivananda, 1887-1963, one of the greatest yoga masters of modern India. To find out more about Swami Sivananda:, . Copyright the Divine Life Society .



Sivatige.tif0_Swami Sivananda talks about the Kena Upanishad, also called the Kenopanishad, in which is revealed the Truth of Brahman and how it relates to man. Everything is possible by the power of Brahman. Brahman shines by his own light, and everything shines as a reflection of this. Therefore, we should meditate on Brahman until we Know Brahman as pure Self consciousness, not as an object.

Historical recording of Swami Sivananda, 1887-1963, one of the greatest yoga masters of modern India. To find out more about Swami Sivananda:, . Copyright the Divine Life Society .



SwamiS_1Brahmavidya is the science of Brahman, the Knowledge of the Absolute, and here Swami Sivananda talks a great deal about what this means. He explains who a person with Brahmavidya is and their qualifications. He also covers many topics related to Knowledge of the Self and how to obtain it – some of the topics are Om, the Atman, the aspirant, self-control, discrimination, intellect, Purusha, and more. A wonderful lecture not to be missed.

Historical recording of Swami Sivananda, 1887-1963, one of the greatest yoga masters of modern India. To find out more about Swami Sivananda:, . Copyright the Divine Life Society .


How to continue your Yoga Practice for many years

Narayani and Nalini answer the question: How did you continue with your Yoga Practice for so many years? Narayani lives in London, Nalini in Delhi. These two female Yoga Masters are teaching regularly in Yoga Vidya Ashram Germany


What was Special about Swami Chidananda – Swami Bodhichitananda explains

Swami Bodhichitananda talks about his experiences with Swami Chidananda. He talks about what was special about this great Master, how he was trained by him. It is always inspiring to hear and watch aspirants talk about their experiences with their Guru. Swami Chidananda was one of the greatest Masters of the 20th Century. When Swami Bodhichitananda talks about him, his presence can be felt. Seminars with Swami Bodhichitananda on


How did you meet your Guru Swami Chidananda

Swami Bodhichitananda tells how he met his Guru, Swami Chidananda. It is always inspiring to hear how sincere aspirants met their Master – inspiring, heart-opening, often with miraculous happenings. This story is no exception – listen to it, get inspired. Seminars with Swami Bodhichitananda at Yoga Vidya Germany.


What was Special about Swami Chidananda – Swami Bodhichitananda explains

Swami Bodhichitananda talks about his experiences with Swami Chidananda. He talks about what was special about this great Master, how he was trained by him. It is always inspiring to hear and watch aspirants talk about their experiences with their Guru. Swami Chidananda was one of the greatest Masters of the 20th Century. When Swami Bodhichitananda talks about him, his presence can be felt. Swami Bodhichitananda teaches Seminars at Yoga Vidya Germany.


How a Yoga Master Teaches – About Swami Vishnu-devananda

A true Yoga Master teaches in many unexpected ways. Swami Vishnu-devananda, 1927-1993, was one such Master: Swami Vishnu was very unconventional, supremely understandy, demanding and loving. Shanmuga, one of his closest disciples tells a few stories about Swami Vishnu-devananda. You can find this and many other talks from Yoga Vidya Ashram Germany on