I will offer my life for a tree

Dear Ones, we have a tribe in India called the Bishnois. They are a Hindu community of desert dwellers, who see no separation between themselves and nature. For them the tree is like a child, and they treat it with parental love. They live in mainly the Thar desert of western Rajasthan and the northern states of India. Continue reading


Two hands from different people. Holding each other.

Compassion is not a relationship between the healer and the wounded. It’s a relationship between equals. Only when we know our own darkness we can be present with the darkness of others. Compassion becomes real when we recognize our shared humanity. – Pema Chodron (Buddhist Nun).

How can we learn compassion? We cannot. Why, because unless we suffer together, we cannot understand the meaning. Compassion is defined as the feeling that arises when one is confronted with another’s suffering and feel motivated to relieve that suffering. Continue reading

919 – How should we venerate the Planet?

Our veneration of the planet will lead to Dharma. The practice of Dharma (righteousness) will enable us to save Prithvi (mother earth) and ourselves.

There are four important acts that we must make a part of our daily life. Ahimsa, compassion, maintaining the ecological environment and being aware of the presence of the Divinity. Continue reading

852 – A daily recognition of Good Friday

How can we remember Good Friday and make the remembrance a part of our regular life. Good Friday is held in commemoration of the crucifixion of Jesus. It is believed that the day Christ died, he carried the sins of the world along with him. The crucifixion and death symbolize his sacrifice and forgiveness for all sins. Continue reading

831 – Namaste International Women’s Day


Live in the presence of the Divine Mother. Close your eyes and visualize nature. Nature with her diamond, dazzling stars, the milky way, the flowers, the birds, clouds, mountains, sky – the countless beauties of creation – is the Divine Mother. In nature you behold the divine aspect of God, which is the mother. It is full of human kindness, beauty, gentleness and kindness. The beauty in the world bespeaks the creative motherly instinct of God, and when we look upon all good in nature, we experience a feeling of tenderness within us – we can see and feel God as Mother in nature. – Swami Yogananda

Dear ones, all of us love nature and it does not matter whether we are females, males or trans. This love that we experience is maternal love and love which is unconditional. We all have it in us and it has nothing to do with what gender we are. And that is the miracle of God. Continue reading

820 – Gita Wisdom on Laughter

The Gita explains that when we laugh, we must laugh with others and not at others. Best to uplift others, while laughing with them. We are all souls who can find lasting love and joy at the spiritual level of reality. Seeing everyone as sentient beings, they understand that everyone shares the same essential joys and sorrows. Continue reading

798 – Why do we not lend an ear to people?

Dear Ones, in the practice of Yoga, we are told to be observers. Observers are persons who observe what is happening within themselves and what is happening with others. An observer is an individual, who recognises his/her negative emotions and develops self-awareness. Self-awareness leads to being empathetic and compassionate to others. Continue reading

640 – A saint is an influencer

Who is a saint? He/She is an influencer. This word influencer has been coined by the internet and we allow the influencers to manipulate us. However, a saint is an individual, who does no such thing. He/She is not a crowd puller, only the actions and deeds speak for themselves. If we are guided by even one virtue and we can emulate even one quality of the Saint Influencer, we connect with the divinity within us. A saint is not an individual who is judged by his/her followers. Continue reading

634 – I wish I knew this when I was 30

My dear ones, understanding comes only when one is ready for it. One can do everything and still find that one is unaware. It is remarkable to observe how one is totally unobservant about oneself and one goes on treading the path, thinking that one is so special, one knows it all.

Yesterday someone said to me that one found pure and innocent people only in India. I was aghast as I have come across such good people everywhere in my travels and they are totally unaware of their humaneness. Continue reading

622 – Gifts from Yoga

The list is unending of the gifts which I have received from the practice of Yoga. They are too many to enumerate. I will start with the first one. Compassion and empathy. These are words freely used by us and how many of us understand the meaning. I also found them difficult to understand. I imagined being sympathetic was enough and then after maybe shedding a tear or saying, ‘you poor thing’ forgetting about the person and the issue. Continue reading