Is Vedanta a Philosophical System?

In this Podcast Sukadev is talking about the question: “Is Vedanta a Philosophical System?”

Advaita Vedanta is a school in Hinduism. People who believe in Advaita believe that their soul is not different from Brahman. The most famous Hindu philosopher who taught about Advaita Vedanta was Shankaracharya who lived in India more than a thousand years ago.

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Essence of Bhagavata

This article is a reissue from the year 2013.

blessingMostly in chant form, Swami Sivananda distills the essence of the Bhagavatam.

Historical recording of Swami Sivananda, 1887-1963, one of the greatest yoga masters of modern India. To find out more about Swami Sivananda:, . Copyright the Divine Life Society .


Ramayana Introduction

This article is a reissue from the year 2013.

Here Swami Sivananda sings to us in verse, and gives an introduction to the Ramayana. Historical recording of Swami Sivananda, 1887-1963, one of the greatest yoga masters of modern India. To find out more about Swami Sivananda:, . Copyright the Divine Life Society .black and white on hill


Immortal Self

This article is a reissue from the year 2013.

Sivatige.tif0_Swami Sivananda explains about our real Self while chanting to the Maha Mantra – Nothing is real, nothing belongs to me, Immortal Self I Am.

Historical recording of Swami Sivananda, 1887-1963, one of the greatest yoga masters of modern India. To find out more about Swami Sivananda:, . Copyright the Divine Life Society .


Shantih Mantras and Kathopanishad

This article is a reissue from the year 2013.

SwamiS_1This lecture by Swami Sivananda begins by chanting some of the Shantih mantras, followed by a discussion of the nature of the Self. The Knowledge of the Atman, or supreme Self, is subtle and cannot be realized by our own doing. He discusses many topics such as: the individual soul is identical with Brahman, the importance of a guru, the sreya marga and preya marga, avidya, and more.

Historical recording of Swami Sivananda, 1887-1963, one of the greatest yoga masters of modern India. To find out more about Swami Sivananda:, . Copyright the Divine Life Society .



This article is a reissue from the year 2013.

Sivatige.tif0_Swami Sivananda talks about the Kena Upanishad, also called the Kenopanishad, in which is revealed the Truth of Brahman and how it relates to man. Everything is possible by the power of Brahman. Brahman shines by his own light, and everything shines as a reflection of this. Therefore, we should meditate on Brahman until we Know Brahman as pure Self consciousness, not as an object.

Historical recording of Swami Sivananda, 1887-1963, one of the greatest yoga masters of modern India. To find out more about Swami Sivananda:, . Copyright the Divine Life Society .


To Get Self-Knowledge

This article is a reissue from the year 2013.

SwamiS_1Identification with the perishable body is the greatest obstacle to Self-Knowledge, says Swami Sivananda in this very detailed synopsis of some of the most important points of yoga and vedanta. He discusses the 3 bodies, the 5 sheaths, the 3 states of waking/dream/deep sleep, the 6 changes the body goes through, the tattvas, indriyas, 5 pranas, the antakharana, and much more. A lecture not to be missed.

Historical recording of Swami Sivananda, 1887-1963, one of the greatest yoga masters of modern India. To find out more about Swami Sivananda:, . Copyright the Divine Life Society .


All About Meditation

This article is a reissue from the year 2013.

Sivatige.tif0_Swami Sivananda begins by recommending we meditate on Soham, and Aham Brahmasmi. He explains that the Brahmakara vritti is the form taken by the mind when it is about to lose itself in Brahman, and that it is not like ordinary vrittis of the mind. Find out more in this amazing lecture.

Historical recording of Swami Sivananda, 1887-1963, one of the greatest yoga masters of modern India. To find out more about Swami Sivananda:, . Copyright the Divine Life Society .



This article is a reissue from the year 2013.

SwamiS_1Brahmavidya is the science of Brahman, the Knowledge of the Absolute and here Swami Sivananda talks a great deal about what this means. He explains who a person with Brahmavidya is and their qualifications. He also covers many topics related to Knowledge of the Self and how to obtain it – some of the topics are Om, the Atman, the aspirant, self-control, discrimination, intellect, Purusha, and more. A wonderful lecture not to be missed.

Historical recording of Swami Sivananda, 1887-1963, one of the greatest yoga masters of modern India. To find out more about Swami Sivananda:, . Copyright the Divine Life Society .


Recordings from Sivananda Ashram from the 1950s

Recordings from Sivananda Ashram from the 1950s
Listen to sounds from the Sivananda Ashram Rishikesh from the 1950s: Kirtans, bells, talks. Some Kirtan and Talk from Sri Swami Sivanandaji Maharaj.


You are the Immortal Self – Talk and Kirtan with Swami Sivananda

Swami Sivananda gives an elevating and inspiring talk about “You are the Immortal Self”. Historical Recording from Sivananda Ashram Rishikesh, probably from the 1950s. With Kirtan and English Chanting.
