Yoga Vidya – Europe’s leading Yoga Retreat Centre

Yoga Vidya is a nonprofit organization whose aim is to spread the knowledge (vidya) of holistic Yoga. Founded by Sukadev Bretz in 1992, Yoga Vidya now runs 4 ashrams, 100 Yoga centres in various cities and has trained more than 17.000 top-quality yoga teachers. This makes us Europe’s leading and largest yoga educational organization. We teach in the tradition of Swami Sivananda, welcoming people of all spiritual paths and traditions of yoga.

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Our True Nature

headshot paintingChidananda Rupam Sivoham Sivoham, Ananda Rupam Soham Sivoham. Through song Swami Sivananda tells us our true nature, and that of Brahman, is eternal, free, pure, that all is the atman, all is Brahman, all is His own Self, Immortal Atman.

Historical recording of Swami Sivananda, 1887-1963, one of the greatest yoga masters of modern India. To find out more about Swami Sivananda:, . Copyright the Divine Life Society .



God is Truth

famous colored version on skin
















Through song Swami Sivananda explains that God is truth, Peace, Love. Find Him through Faith and Devotion. Real beauty is in the Atman. Do selfless service.

Historical recording of Swami Sivananda, 1887-1963, one of the greatest yoga masters of modern India. To find out more about Swami Sivananda:, . Copyright the Divine Life Society .


Brahmakara Vritti

by ganga with hatBrahmakara Vritti is the highest expansion of the mind, duality is gone, and the mind perceives the infinite Absolute. Listen to this recording from Swami Sivananda.

Historical recording of Swami Sivananda, 1887-1963, one of the greatest yoga masters of modern India. To find out more about Swami Sivananda:, . Copyright the Divine Life Society .


Shantih Mantras and Kathopanishad

SwamiS_1This lecture by Swami Sivananda begins by chanting some of the Shantih mantras, followed by a discussion of the nature of the Self. The Knowledge of the Atman, or supreme Self, is subtle and cannot be realized by our own doing. He discusses many topics such as: the individual soul is identical with Brahman, the importance of a guru, the sreya marga and preya marga, avidya, and more.

Historical recording of Swami Sivananda, 1887-1963, one of the greatest yoga masters of modern India. To find out more about Swami Sivananda:, . Copyright the Divine Life Society .



SwamiS_1Brahmavidya is the science of Brahman, the Knowledge of the Absolute, and here Swami Sivananda talks a great deal about what this means. He explains who a person with Brahmavidya is and their qualifications. He also covers many topics related to Knowledge of the Self and how to obtain it – some of the topics are Om, the Atman, the aspirant, self-control, discrimination, intellect, Purusha, and more. A wonderful lecture not to be missed.

Historical recording of Swami Sivananda, 1887-1963, one of the greatest yoga masters of modern India. To find out more about Swami Sivananda:, . Copyright the Divine Life Society .


What is Yoga Nidra? Nalini explains

Yoga Nidra relaxes body, mind and spirit. Dr. Nalini explains what Yoga Nidra is, how it works and how it developed. She speaks about her Master, Paramahamsa Satyananda, founder of Bihar School of Yoga. She talks about the different stages of the practice of Yoga Nidra. Dr. Nalini has been teaching Yoga for the last 30 years. Now she is teaching others how to teach Yoga Nidra, in Yoga Vidya Ashrams and Centers in Germany.


What is Tantra?

Tantra is expansion and liberation of the soul and the mind. Dr. Nalini speaks about Tantra and Tantra practices. Dr. Nalini is a disciple of Paramahamsa Satyananada of the Bihar School of Yoga. She is teaching Tantra Meditation and other Tantra Practices. Interview at Yoga Vidya Ashram Germany where Nalini is giving Training Courses in Tantra practices regularly.


Paramahamsa Swami Satyananda – in the Words of a Disciple

Paramahamsa Satyananda (1923-2009) is the founder of the Bihar School of Yoga. Nalini Sahay, one of his disciples, talks about this great Master, and how his guidance helped her in her spiritual awakening and development. Nalini is living in Delhi. She is teaching Yoga Nidra, Tantra Meditations, Pavana Muktasana, Prana Vidya and other techniques that she learnt from Swami Satyananda. Recording from Yoga Vidya Ashram Germany where Nalini gives professional training courses regularly.


Hatha Yoga Pradipika Course

At Yoga Vidya Germany the Hatha Yoga Pradipika is taught as an Advanced Yoga Teachers Training Course. Swami Atma is the main teacher for the 9-day Intensive in June/July of every year. In this Video Swami Atma speaks about what this Hatha Yoga Pradipika Course is about and what students can expect when taking this course. Infos on Seminars at Yoga Vidya More Infos on Yoga More Info on Swami Atmaswaruparamananda on


Hatha Yoga Pradipika Summary 3rd and 4th Chapter

Mudras, Bandhas, Meditation, Superconsciousness – these are the themes of the 3rd and 4th chapter of the Hatha Yoga Pradipika, the most important of Hatha Yoga Scriptures. Swami Atma speaks about these chapters of this most important Hatha Yoga scripture. Information on Yoga Vidya and seminars at Yoga Vidya Germany More Info on Swami Atmaswaruparamananda on


Hatha Yoga Pradipika – Summary of the Second Chapter

Prana, Purification, Kriyas and Pranayama – these are the main topics of the second chapter of the Hatha Yoga Pradipika. Prana means life force. Kriya means action, especially purificatory actions, cleansing actions. Pranayama are the breathing exercisres. Swami Atma talks about what this chapter is about. Most likely, the second chapter is the most important of this Hatha Yoga scripture. More Info on Swami Atmaswaruparamananda on


Hatha Yoga Pradipika First Chapter – Summary

Any serious Yoga practicioner and even more any Yoga Teacher should know the basics of the Hatha Yoga Pradipika. In this scripture, the why and how of Yoga is explained, especially from the point of view of Tantra, Kundalini Yoga and Raja Yoga. In this Podcast Swami Atma speaks about the first chapter of the Hatha Yoga Pradipika. In this chapter the Yamas and Niyamas, the ethical foundation and the Asanas are explained. This is a sound track of a Yoga Video Interview. Yoga Videos on More Info on Swami Atmaswaruparamananda on


What is the Hatha Yoga Pradipika?

The Hatha Yoga Pradipika is the most important of all Hatha Yoga scriptures. It is a Tantra Scripture. Swami Atma explains the meaning of this scripture. He mentions the other important Hatha Yoga scriptures. He talks about the author of the Hatha Yoga Pradipika, Yogi Swatmarama. He explains the essence of the teaching of Swatmarama. The crucial teaching is: Hatha Yoga is part of Kundalini Yoga. It is a holistic spiritual system designed for spiritual development. Through Mastery of the Body one gets Mastery of the Prana. Through Mastery of the Prana comes Mastery of the Mind. More Info on Swami Atmaswaruparamananda on


How did you become a Swami? Swami Atma answers

Swami Atmaswaruparamananda explains the meaning of his long name. He talks about how he became a Swami, a Yoga monk. He speaks about his experiences as a monk. As he is a monk in the Sankaracharya order, he also talks about the Vedanta Philosophy. Swami Atma also talks about the challenges and joys of being a Swami living without the protection and restraints of an organisation.
