Intuition of Reality – Vedanta Talk 10 by Ira Schepetin

Story about Swami Satchidanandendra and Kirtan. The concept of avidyā / ignorance. Best source is adhyāsa bhāṣya: Introduction to the commentary of Shankaracharya
on the Brahma Sutras. 2 notions of ignorance: Shankaracharyas notion of mithyā jñāna and Padmapādas notion of mithyā ajñāna. Avidyā and māyā. Waking ego, dream ego and the witness. Vedānta is no dogma. Ego is kṣetra. Every quality is an object to the witness. Sadhana: act to get rid of tamas. Do your duty with no desire for the fruit of your action to overcome rajas. Sadhana to become free from actions (naiṣkarmya): no attachment to saṅkalpa, karma, karma phala. Freedom from the gunas. Jñānaniṣṭha. Jñāni. Bhagavad Gītā ch. 18, 66.

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More on Vedanta you will find here.
English Community, Blog, Seminars you will find here.


Yoga Vidya – Europe’s leading Yoga Retreat Centre

Yoga Vidya is a nonprofit organization whose aim is to spread the knowledge (vidya) of holistic Yoga. Founded by Sukadev Bretz in 1992, Yoga Vidya now runs 4 ashrams, 100 Yoga centres in various cities and has trained more than 17.000 top-quality yoga teachers. This makes us Europe’s leading and largest yoga educational organization. We teach in the tradition of Swami Sivananda, welcoming people of all spiritual paths and traditions of yoga.

If you are interested in our English Seminars, click here.


Bhakti Sutra of Narada by Leela Mata

Short talk on the Bhakti Sutras of Narada, one of the important texts on devotion.

The essence is: All Joy comes from God. Awaken the inner love and knowledge by experiencing God. The Bhakti Sutra helps to reach it.

Click HERE to find Leela Matas seminars on the Yoga Sutras at Yoga Vidya Germany.


Birth and Childhood of Hanuman by Dr. Nalini Sahay

How did Hanuman come into existence?

Dr. Nalini Sahay tells about Anjani and Vayu, the Wind God, and how Hanuman was born as their child. Hanuman was a “naughty” boy – there are some wonderful stories about this as well. You will find more stories of deities and yoga on our Website: Yoga Vidya.

Click HERE for seminars with Dr. Nalini Sahay by Yoga Vidya.


Birth of Karthikeya – By Dr. Nalini Sahay

Ganesha and Karthikeya were sons of Shiva and Parvati. How did it come about that Shiva and Parvati got children? Dr. Nalini Sahay tells how Karthikeya came into being. It is a story from the beginning of creation. Dr Nalini Sahay teaches regularly at Yoga Vidya.


Birth of Ganesha by Dr. Nalini Sahay

How did Ganesha come into being?

Ganesha is the son of Parvati and Shiva. Shiva did not want to have a son. That’s why Parvati created a boy from her body oils. Listen how this came about, and why Ganesha got an elephant head. You will find more information referring to yoga, meditation and ayurveda at Yoga Vidya.

For more information about Nalini and her seminars by Yoga Vidya, click HERE.


