A tonoscope is a device that helps to make sound visible by displaying vibrations. This phenomenon known as cymatics happens when sound frequencies are driven through inert powders. Meaning of cymatics is the study of wave phenomena, especially sound and their visual representations. Simply explained it is the sound of visualizing audio frequencies. It is an acoustic instrument for enabling a singer or player to see instantly any deviation from proper pitch of the tone being produced. Continue reading
Tag Archives: Shakti
Oh, Mahadevi have mercy
As Hindus we struggle in our lives be free of karma. The effects of karma are far reaching and the mother is keen to show us how to exhaust our karmas. What does this mean? God’s unique quality is mercy and She is Sarvani—the knower of all things. Since God is all knowing, all our misdeeds and actions are known to her. God is Sarva Sakthan and is all powerful and omnipotent. God may create a new hell and we may be pushed into it. However, the divine mercy, which is present in God guides us and it can be our salvation. Continue reading
Surya Namaskara
I bow to the Sun.
Surya atma jagasthushsch yadaditya gatam tejo jagadbhasayate akhilam.
The Sun is the soul of a whole universe; Sun is the source of life for all living beings.
We have just celebrated a three-day festival called Chhaat, praying to Surya Devata, at sunrise and sunset. The concept is beautiful as one bathes in running water at dawn and dusk. Fasting is observed for three days, and one is purified. Continue reading
Hail to the Divine Creatrix
Oh, Mother I entreat you to save the earth. Now is the time, when all of us are praying to you. Please end all the wars, discriminations and hatred.
Swami Sivananda, was a Devi Bhakta as all Gurus are. He addressed Devi as the Supreme Shakti of the Supreme Being. He gives his arguments for his faith and beliefs.
The 13 arguments
973 – The Grandmother Goddess
Dhumavati is the oldest Goddess, and she is the granny Goddess. She stands behind the other Goddesses as their ancient guide. She gives the lessons on birth and death. She is the knowledge which comes to us from the difficult experiences we undergo. Continue reading
947 – Who are Shaktas?
A Shakta is a devotee of the Mother Goddess and his/her prayer can be described like this verse:
May all my idle talk be your japa, sound divine,
May all my gestures be your mudras,
May all my steps be around your seat,
May all my lying down be your pranam,
May all your oblations be my only food,
And may all acts of mine be in joy for you.
Extracted from a hymn dedicated to Tripura Sundari from Saundarya Lahiri. Continue reading
937 – What the ancient sages believed
The ancient sages believed that life is nothing but an expression of consciousness and energy. Mind and matter are the expressions of consciousness and energy. Consciousness and energy manifest as life in the form of spirit, mind, senses, intellect and ego. Both are present in every aspect of creation in the form of Astha prakriti, the eight-fold aspect of manifest nature. Continue reading
883 – How to understand God?
God is truth and God is love. He is the supreme being. He is the support for the universe. Without him not an atom can move. He is the womb for the Vedas. Indra, Agni, Vayu, Varuna, and Yama are his assistants. Earth, water, fire, air and ether are his five powers. Maya is his elusive Shakti. Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva are his three aspects. Creation, preservation, destruction, veiling are the five kinds of activities of God. He dwells in our hearts He is in us. – Swami Sivananda
865 – Mantras to chant during Navratri
It is believed that during Navratri, the Goddess principle is very active. Chanting ‘Sri Durga Deviyai Namaha’ during this period will grant immense spiritual benefit. Continue reading
809 – Water is life
Turned into strife.
Water makes up 60% of our bodies. On Earth, it appears as lakes, rivers, seas and oceans and it covers 71% of the earth’s surface. Water also exists in the air as water vapor. Currently 44% of all wastewater returns to earth untreated. This means that all our waste (human, household sewerage, toxic and medical) is released directly into the planet’s ecosystems.
We have forgotten what water means. Continue reading
789 – Promise and a prayer
In the previous blog article, I wrote about a prayer and a promise. We had gone to a forest sanctuary for a holiday. In India, where ever there are mountains, there are temples perched on a peak. We visited two temples and in both places the guide told us that one’s wishes were always granted but one had to fulfill one’s promise. I thought that was ridiculous as my understanding was that one went to offer prayers with a genuine and sincere heart. The divinity always understood what the supplicant was asking. Yesterday when I read Swamiji’s lecture, I appreciated what our guide was saying. Continue reading
786 – Ganesha, the remover of obstacles
Overeating, exertion, talkativeness, adhering to rules, being in the company of common people and unsteadiness (wavering mind) are the six (causes) which destroy yoga. Hatha Yoga Pradipika 1:15
I am quoting from Hatha Yoga Pradipika and my Guru, Sri Swamiji. Wednesday is Ganesha’s day. Ganesha is the remover of obstacles. All the habits which are described above are obstacles in our lives. We pray to Ganesha to guide us. However, our habits can be very tenacious and clingy.
Let us examine them one by one. Continue reading
711 – Triangle of sorrow
A triangle shape represents interconnection and the cyclical nature of creation, preservation and destruction. It is also a symbol of Shakti. The triangle also represents Shakti, the divine feminine power. Shakti is the dynamic force that energizes and activates the universe. Continue reading
690 – Who is Ganesha?
We all have different ideas about him. We know that he resolves all obstacles. But do you know that when the dissolution of the universe occurred after the floods, there was complete darkness. This darkness lasted for millions of years. Continue reading
684 – Peel the layers
When you peel a fruit, the inner flesh is beautiful. Take the watermelon, the mango, the dragon fruit and so many others.
Peel the layers of yourself and who emerges? Have you considered this, that when we remove the layers of our persona, who is there? Let us examine how we see ourselves? Continue reading