284 – The six tastes which influence us

The six tastes which influence us are sweet, salt, pungent, sour, astringent and bitter. It is very important to have them all in our daily cuisine. These tastes and flavor reach different parts of our tongue and they influence our nature. Excess of any taste is harmful for us. When we eat we must eat slowly and calmly. There should be no hurry and our attention should be wholly on our plate. There is a simple rule and that is to have all six tastes and as many colors on our plate as possible. Continue reading

281 – Fire and air create the pungent taste

Pungent is an intense taste. It is created from the elements fire and air. The pungent taste is one of dry, intense heat and it can be found in spicy foods and many herbs and spices. It creates a sensation of sharp and fiery heat. Body odor is described as pungent. Common examples of pungency are mustard and ginger. It is said to induce heat. It is hot, dry, and aromatic. Continue reading