Thou art in the innermost depth of all being
Thou art in the hidden recesses of mind.
Thou art at all levels of every being
At all times thou art the glory I find.
Thou art in all beings that are
Animate and inanimate—thy force in all.
In all that exists there is always thee
In the stone, in the moss, the flower, the tree.
Thou art the source, the creator of all
Thine is the force of life which throbs in our veins.
Thine is the life force which gives us pains
We must suffer, to learn and rise up again.
Thou art the secret, thou art the life
Thou the commandment and ours is the strife.
We learn from our errors to profit by giving
To face up to life and the battles of living.
Thou knowest all, thou knowest rhyme
Thou givest freely in fullness, in time.
Thou art the golden bird that watches me
Till from my earth fetters break free.
And discover that thou art really me
And that I was also thee.
Thou has awakened the sleeper in me
Thou hast uncovered that me that is thee.
Thou art my prana, thou art my life
Thou my deliverer, the end of strife.
Swami Satyananda Saraswati. Yoga Magazine, September 1978.
Aim Hrim Klim