820 – Gita Wisdom on Laughter

The Gita explains that when we laugh, we must laugh with others and not at others. Best to uplift others, while laughing with them. We are all souls who can find lasting love and joy at the spiritual level of reality. Seeing everyone as sentient beings, they understand that everyone shares the same essential joys and sorrows. Continue reading

What is Yoga Vidya e.V.?

Creed and practice // Statement by Sukadev Volker Bretz.

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(Originally in German with German subtitles. Activate YouTube subtitles and choose your language.) 

As a spiritual-religious community, the members of Yoga Vidya e.V. live the teachings of Vedanta and Yoga in all aspects. How these two pillars shape the self-image of Yoga Vidya e.V. as a spiritual-religious community with an educational mission is explained by Sukadev Volker Bretz in this video. Continue reading

303 – The central teaching of all the saints

It is our dharma, our faith to serve humanity. We must give love to those who need love. We must help those who are poor and neglected. Our resources must be utilized for the welfare of others. Our strength, intelligence, mind, heart, soul, money, knowledge, power, and friends should be used for the benefit of others. Enjoyment and happiness comes from giving and sharing with the needy and the unhappy. These are the teachings of Jesus Christ, Saint Francis, Gautama Buddha, Mahavira, Mahatama Gandhi and every enlightened human being. Continue reading

284 – The six tastes which influence us

The six tastes which influence us are sweet, salt, pungent, sour, astringent and bitter. It is very important to have them all in our daily cuisine. These tastes and flavor reach different parts of our tongue and they influence our nature. Excess of any taste is harmful for us. When we eat we must eat slowly and calmly. There should be no hurry and our attention should be wholly on our plate. There is a simple rule and that is to have all six tastes and as many colors on our plate as possible. Continue reading