Who is Brahma?

How do we view Brahma? There are stories about him and the most popular one is about the loss of his fifth head. Brahma was referred to as Pachanan (having five faces) but after losing his fifth head he became Chaturan. (having four faces). There are several stories given in the Shiva Purana. Continue reading

Oh, Mahadevi have mercy

As Hindus we struggle in our lives be free of karma. The effects of karma are far reaching and the mother is keen to show us how to exhaust our karmas. What does this mean? God’s unique quality is mercy and She is Sarvani—the knower of all things. Since God is all knowing, all our misdeeds and actions are known to her. God is Sarva Sakthan and is all powerful and omnipotent. God may create a new hell and we may be pushed into it. However, the divine mercy, which is present in God guides us and it can be our salvation. Continue reading

922 – Blessings from the heart

Dear ones, I started the practice of Yoga a long time ago. I did not know what I was going in for. I had severe pain in my left hand and being left-handed found it difficult to do work, mainly household chore and taking care of my twin sons. Of course, the best part was when my husband brushed my hair, I felt quite queenly. However, it was not so funny as I felt helpless. Continue reading

886 – Bhagawan and Prarthana

Bhagawan is God and prarthana is prayers.

The Lord is Bhagawan (God) and is described as one who knows the cause of creation and destruction, the reason for the birth and departure of Jiva, the period Jiva has to remain on the earth due to his Karma. Bhagawan is not a Guru and this is explained in the Sanskrit literature. Vishnu Purana defines Bhagawan as he who understands the creation and dissolution, the appearance and disappearance of beings, the wisdom and ignorance. Continue reading

876 – First among the heroes of the universe

Who is this hero? What are the qualities such a hero should have? Dear ones, I will list them.

Heroic deeds.
Marvelous feats of strength and bravery.
Sense of duty.
Great skill in military tactics.
Crossing the sea in one leap.
Lifting a mountain peak in the palm of his hand.
Carrying his brothers on his shoulders from the nether world.
An ideal Nishkama-Karma Yogi or Selfless Worker.

Who is it? Continue reading

851 – Annapurna Devi Meditation

Annapurna and Shiva

Annapurna and Shiva

Annapurna Stut

O Girija—the daughter of the Himalaya Mountains, who is sitting on a semi-circular altar bedecked with pearls amidst Mandara (red hibiscus), Parijat (night jasmine) flowers, sandalwood and Kalpa—the wish fulfilling trees. Her eyes are half open. Her forehead is like a holy moon. I am hungry, please give me alms (wisdom, knowledge, and blessings).
O Girija—the daughter of the Himalaya Mountains, who is wearing a bracelet on her arms, necklace on her neck, waistband on her waist, ear-studs on her ears, whose upper cloth is furnished with bands of tiny jingle bells and ornaments. She has a golden ladle with rice-payasam in the hand. I am hungry, give me alms (blessings).
O Girija—the daughter of the Himalaya Mountains, you are one in whom the sound—representing the three worlds (Bhu, Bhuvah, Suvah) is present, she is the one who is having a crescent as an ornament on her tender body, she is the one who is ever-living in the extensive, spacious abode of Lord Shambhu. She is the only one who can remove the afflictions of sorrow, fear, and poverty. Crushed am I, please give me alms (of knowledge).

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832 – Maha Shivratri

I am sharing a mantra with you, dedicated to Shiva, seeking atonement and blessings.

Om namaste astu bhagvana visrvesrvaraya mahadevaya
Trayambakaya tripurantakaya trikalagnikalaya
Kalagirudraya nilakanthaya mrityumjayaya
Sarvesrvaraya sadashivaya sriman mahadevaya Namah.

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770 – Namaste Surya, Namaste Chandrama

Who does not love the sun and moon? There is a charming story about the sun and moon. A very fragrant flower called ‘Raat ki Rani’ (Queen of the Night), or Night Jasmine, fell in love with the sun, but he ignored her. She was heartbroken and decided that she would only flower at night. Then there is the sunflower is called Suraj Mukhi, which opens and gazes at the sun in the day and closes in the evening. Continue reading

750 – Shiv Tandava Strotram

By Ravana

Salutations to Lord Shiva, whose hair is like a dense forest, whose throat is wet by the pure flowing water of the Ganga. The snakes resting around the neck of Shiva are like long garlands. They are iridescent in the sunlight. The sound of the drums is echoing the passionate dance of Shiva. Continue reading

735 – Dawn

Hymns to Dawn are simple and full of imagery and hope. These hymns are 3,500 years old, and they symbolize the eternal beginning. Dawn is the goddess Ushas, who gives life, beauty and purity. She is the silence at daybreak and grants us hope, dreams and blessings. She infuses one with prana. Dawn symbolizes the passage from darkness to light. Continue reading

607 – What is in a name?

Names are very important for us. They affect our life. Their meaning carries a positive or negative connotation. Therefore, names influence our behavior and how one is treated by others. In the Hindu way of life, a name carries a spiritual and aspirational significance. They are based on the names of gods, virtues or homage is paid to a holy place. The name impacts one and that is why when a baby is born in a Hindu home, the conjugation of the planets is taken and the alphabet for the name selected. Continue reading

446 – Blessings

“Concentrate on counting your blessing and you’ll have little time to count anything else.”

“Reflect upon your present blessings—of which every man has many—not on your past misfortunes, of which all men have some. “ – Charles Dickens

Start now and you will be amazed how much we have to thank God for. The Christmas Market, look at the lights and the produce. Lovely things to hang on the tree, sugar coated nuts, French fries and sweets to eat.

The cold days keep you braced and a walk energizes you.

I can think of so many blessings, but I shall leave it to you to make your list.

Share your enthusiasm, with speech, song and dance.

Aim Hrim Klim

Photo by Niklas Ohlrogge on Unsplash

445 – Worship of Kali by Ramakrishna

Why did Ramakrishna worship Kali? Ramakrishna had the divine vision of Kali and he was always in communication with her. One does not know whether Kali chose him to express her divinity through him or he chose Kali.

Who is Kali? Is she the Shakti of Shiva? Continue reading