World Heart Day was on the 29th of September. It is amazing not one specialist or doctor spoke about the actual heart. What was said that we must take care of our heart. We must eat the right food and we must exercise. We must have a healthy heart? Continue reading
Tag Archives: kindness
912 – How attentive are we when we listen to a story?
Give it a thought. There are stories and stories. Some make us laugh, some make us sad, and some make us angry. Do we ever think about what some of the stories are telling us. Remember I wrote about Sphota, a revelation, which happens to the hearer. This word hearer is a strange word, we are accustomed to listener. Continue reading
744 – Prayers for Mother Earth
Native prayer for Mother Earth
Mother Earth, hear your child. Be a bond between the Worlds of Earth and Spirit.
Let the winds echo the Knowledge of Grandfathers.
Who await, unseen, yet visible if I only turn my eyes to their World.
711 – Triangle of sorrow
A triangle shape represents interconnection and the cyclical nature of creation, preservation and destruction. It is also a symbol of Shakti. The triangle also represents Shakti, the divine feminine power. Shakti is the dynamic force that energizes and activates the universe. Continue reading
634 – I wish I knew this when I was 30
My dear ones, understanding comes only when one is ready for it. One can do everything and still find that one is unaware. It is remarkable to observe how one is totally unobservant about oneself and one goes on treading the path, thinking that one is so special, one knows it all.
Yesterday someone said to me that one found pure and innocent people only in India. I was aghast as I have come across such good people everywhere in my travels and they are totally unaware of their humaneness. Continue reading
500 – Practice Atmabhava every day – Part 1
The practice of Atmabhava (love for humanity) is like being aware of all the gods 24/7. We have seven days in the week and each day is allocated to a God.
Monday is dedicated to Shiva. Devotees fast for the whole day and can have one meal only. Fasting starts after sunrise. After rising from the bed, one should meditate on Shiva. Then have a bath and offer prayers to Shiva and Parvati. If fasting, wear white clothes. White flowers and white food are offered. Benefit is to receive Shiva’s blessings. Continue reading
493 – The fruits of our deeds
What are the fruits of our actions? They are called the fruits of the Holy Spirit. They are listed as charity, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, generosity, gentleness, faithfulness, modesty, self-control, chastity. The tradition of the Church lists twelve of them.
Let us examine each one of the fruits. Continue reading
354 – Say ‘Yes’ and enjoy your life
The oldest and shortest words are ‘yes’ and ‘no’—are those which require most thought. Pythagoras.
I wrote about us saying ‘No’ many times in the day, and I have understood that saying yes, I feel much happier. Why is that? Continue reading
216 – Enchantment of the Mother
“The most powerful method of obtaining God’s grace is worship of the Divine Mother. She is the embodiment of compassion and kindness, the pure image of mother love. She is the ocean of forgiveness. Whether it is the Divine Mother or my mother, wherever there is mother’s energy, it is always in the image of love and kindness. Her real form is forgiveness, no matter how naughty her children maybe.”
Swami Satyananda Saraswati. Continue reading
139 – What have we learnt from life
I have been writing about my Guru and all the other wonderful Gurus. However have we paused and considered who have been our earliest Gurus. The definition of a guru is a teacher, sage, pundit, master, counselor and leading light. I remember when I went to kindergarten and the nuns were so kind to me. I would kneel and kiss the cross. My memory of them was kindness and ever since then I associate kindness with nuns. Continue reading
068 – Observation, kindness, and concern
Observation, kindness, and concern are words. They are used freely and frankly. How many of us understand those words and apply them. Look around you and you will see many acts taking place. Do they register or are you so lost in yourself that you ignore everything? Continue reading