The air is like a butterfly
With frail blue wings.
The Happy Earth looks at the sky
And Sings. Continue reading
854 – We welcome Easter
The air is like a butterfly
With frail blue wings.
The Happy Earth looks at the sky
And Sings. Continue reading
It is so wonderful to know that we are alike and yet we are different too. I am in Mexico and am enjoying and embracing the culture. The air outside of Mexico City is fragrant and smells of oregano, sage, and rosemary. I wrote earlier about our visit to a carpet factory, where all the colors were sourced from plants. Continue reading
Look around you, even on the darkest day, there will be some beauty which you have missed. Many of us walk about with blinkers, we neither feel the joy nor the poverty. Have you looked in a puddle and seen the rainbow. Below I am putting some pictures for you to see, my dear ones. Continue reading