Shiva on my lips and Devi in my mind

Are you willing to be sponged out, erased, cancelled, made nothing? Are you willing to be made nothing? Dipped into oblivion? If not, you will never change. – DH Lawrence

Let me Roam.
With nothing on the body
And with nothing in my hands
Let me roam on the bank of the Ganga
With the name of Shiva on my lips
And the thought of Devi and Durga in my mind
Let me even know that I exist,
And when I die
I will not know that I am dying. – Swami Satyananda

Swami Sivananda ‘s directive to Swami Satyananda:

We are instruments, we are mediums. We have to love everybody without passion and attachment. We have to serve everybody without expectation. We have to love God without asking anything from him. The purpose of our spiritual life is to have a vision of the Divine. God has given us everything; we did not ask for it, yet he has given to you everything without you asking for Him.

Dear Ones, three sayings are given. Please read them and take anything from them. If you just follow even one word like without attachment, or ask for nothing, you will be free.

Aim Hrim Klim


569 – Sayings by Sri Ramakrishna Parmahamsa

When an unbaked pot is broken, the potter can use the mud to make a new pot; but when a baked pot is broken, he cannot do the same any longer. So, when a person dies in a state of ignorance, he is born again; but when he becomes well baked in the fire of true knowledge and dies a perfect man, he is not born again. Continue reading