Osho spoke,
The third eye is where one puts the tilak, the vermilion mark on the forehead. It was devised as a symbol of that unknown world. This point is not in the same place for everyone. It is said that if someone has meditated for a long time in his/her past lives and has had a small experience of samadhi his/her third eye will be lower down. If no meditation has been done, the place on the forehead is higher up. It can be determined by the position of this point, what the state of one’s meditation was in one’s past life; it will indicate whether the state of samadhi ever happened to one in one’s past life. If it happened often then, this point will have come down lower, it will be at the same level as one’s eyes—it cannot go lower than that. If this point has come in line with one’s eyes, then one can enter samadhi. The happening is so small that it is insignificant.