Recordings from Sivananda Ashram from the 1950s

Recordings from Sivananda Ashram from the 1950s
Listen to sounds from the Sivananda Ashram Rishikesh from the 1950s: Kirtans, bells, talks. Some Kirtan and Talk from Sri Swami Sivanandaji Maharaj.


Jaya Ganesha Kirtan with Swami Sivananda

Jaya Ganesha Kirtan with Swami Sivananda, followed by many other Kirtans. Very dynamic! Historical Recording from Sivananda Ashram Rishikesh, probably from the 1950s.


Inner Transformation to See God Everywhere

Yoga in its deepest sense means Union. Yoga is the inner transformation to see God everywhere. All yoga techniques, including meditation, Self inquiry, Self study, selfless service, help to bring about this inner transformation. These techniques bring about an evolution – and a purification. When your mind is purified, you see things as they are. Develop the longing for the truth. Renounce all illusions and all falsehood to realize the truth. Go beyond ego, beyond separation, beyond pain.

Recording of a live talk with Swami Atmaswarupananda in morning Satsang at Sivananda Ashram Rishikesh.


The Ashram of Swami Bodhichitanandaji near Rishikesh

Swami Bodhichitananda talks about his Ashram project in Rishikesh on the Himalayan Foothills. He explains why he is building an Ashram and who can benefit from it.  And he explains that he also needs some help with the Ashram project…    More on Swami Bodhichitananda on . Seminars with Swami Bodhichitananda. More about yoga and meditation on


Master Sivananda’s Love of Service

Swami Sivananda, 1887-1963, was one of the greatest Yoga Masters of the 20th Century. He loved serving – thus he spread Yoga far and wide. In this Video you find a reading of one chapter of “Sivananda’s Gospel of Divine Life”, recorded in Sivananda Ashram Rishikesh


The Meaning of Jaya Ekadashi – from Sivananda Ashram Rishikesh

In India, Ekadashi is celebrated, especially in the Vaishnava Tradition. What is the Meaning of Ekadashi? How to celebrate it? And especially: What is the meaning of Jaya Ekadasi? Live Recording of a Talk in the evening Satsang at Sivananda Ashram Rishikesh  .

This Yoga Podcast is the sound track of a Yoga Vidya


Swami Sivananda’s Love for Service

Swami Sivananda, who lived 1887-1963, was one of the greatest Yoga Masters of modern times. In many respects he was unconventional. He loved serving – thus he spread Yoga far and wide. In this Yoga Podcast you find a reading of one chapter of “Sivananda’s Gospel of Divine Life”, recorded in Sivananda Ashram Rishikesh .

This is the Sound track of a Yoga Video.


Service of the Sick – About Swami Sivananda

Service of the sick is an important part of spiritual life. Attention to the minutest details develops concentration, awareness and opens the heart. Be alert and attentive. In this way you can feel the Divine in everything and everybody. This podcast is an inspiring reading from the Book “Sivananda in daily life”. Recorded in the evening Satsang in Sivananda Ashram Rishikesh .

This Yoga Podcast is the sound track of a Yoga Video


Strive for the Highest – be good do good

The Spiritual path often has different sides to it: On one side it is important to strive hard to reach the highest. It is important to really practice, to be disciplined and to renounce the relative. On the other side it is important not to become egocentric in your strive for perfection.

In this Yoga Vedanta Podcast Episode Swami Atmaswarupananda gives you important insights on these vital subjects of spiritual development.

Recording from an early morning talk by Swami Atmaswarupananda in morning Satsang at Sivananda Ashram Rishikesh in February 2011.
