927 – Whom do these ten attributes belong to?

  1. Jnana, knowledge or wisdom. Who witnesses everything? Who watches everyone? Who never gets lost in the world of Prakriti (nature)? Who watches the work of Prakriti? Who is never under the spell of Maya (illusion)? Who is an observer possessing Jnana?
  2. Aishwarya the source of all wealth and prosperity. Who is the source of this? Who bestows this on us?
  3. Vairagya is non-attachment. Who is not attached to anyone? Who is neutral and unbiased? Who gives attention to all? Who treats everyone as equals? Who has no attachment to anyone?
  4. Bala (strength) and samarthya (capability): Who is all powerful and can do anything in the universe? Who is the inspirer of all creatures?
  5. Sampati (wealth), Samrddhi (prosperity) and Dhana (riches). Who grants all this to us? Who makes one free from lack in life?
  6. Yash (success) and Kirti (glory). Who gives one success and glory.

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202 – Satyam Speaks

β€œIn fact, our sorrows and joys are nothing; our individual exaggerated fantasy makes them appear magnified a thousand fold.”

How do we practice so that we remain neutral in our behavior? Many of us imagine that it is only us who are being singled out for tragedy and hardship. Continue reading