The Yogic path to freedom

How do we define freedom? It is a word used by all of us.

Freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor; it must be demanded by the oppressed. – Martin Luther King Jr.

Freedom is nothing but a chance to be better. – Albert Camus

He who is brave is free? – Seneca

Freedom is not the absence of commitments, but the ability to choose and commit myself to – what is best for me. – Paul Coelho

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Must I understand about friendship?

We can read as much as we like about friendship and imagine that we have plenty of friends. However, when one is introspective and aware, then does one understand what friendship means. A few famous quotes for you to comprehend the true meaning of friendship. Yoga Sadhana enables us to appreciate what true friendship is.

The only way to have a friend is to be one. Continue reading