996 – Yoga Sadhana will bring happiness

To people in Kali Yuga.

What is the meaning of Kali Yuga? In one word it is deterioration. It is the ultimate decline at all levels. It is said that Kali Yuga started 5,123 years ago, on the day Krishna left his physical body. In these years one has seen the development and destruction of human society. There have been major wars genocides, and adjustments. Struggle has existed throughout. Continue reading

245 – Kalki will save the universe

Kalki is the tenth avatara of Vishnu, who will come riding upon a white horse, which is also an avatara in itself. Kalki carries a sword to strike down all evil, and he battles for the cause of righteousness. Kalki will come at the end of Kali yuga to destroy the creation that has sunk into total darkness, after which it will be created anew. Continue reading