Overcoming anger with the vedic method of Neti-Neti | Pot-clay discimination to realise the self

What is superimposition?
How do you discriminate between your true self and what you belief to be your self. Learn the vedic method of ‘Neti-Neti’. Don’t identify with your body. Why did Arjuna choose Krishna instead of getting a big army in the battle? Arjuna struggels when he sees who he is supposed to fight against. He gets unhappy, doesn’t want to fight. This is our situation: We are unhappy and are searching a fundamental method to get happy in life. Perception from senses is unreal. We need to restrain our senses, to see the reality. Pot-clay comparison. What changes, doesn’t exist. The ‘I’ doesn’t change, everthing that changes – emotions, personality, job – are names and forms. They appear to be real. But names and forms aren’t real. All we know is a product of a word and an appearance. They are passing. They don’t exist. You are unaffected by everything in this dream. All ideas are in your mind, just like in the dream. The only reality in the dream is the consciousness that we call ‘I’. Here is only consciousness, not mine, not you. Consciousness can’t be heard, touched. But it is self-illuminate. You know it exists. You’ll become more tolerant and less pulled by thoughts and objects. Listen to the sprinkling talk of Chandra Cohen for beginners. With humour and convincing arguments.

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Intuition of Reality – Vedanta Talk 17 by Ira Schepetin

Revision and conclusion. What is the meaning of ignorance? The oneness of the individual and the supreme reality. The method of Vedānta. How to get a sattvic mind. Jñāni. You are the happiness you are looking for. You have to go beyond the gunas but in the end there are not even gunas. Direct experience of the self. Tat tvam asi. Neti neti.

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Intuition of Reality – Vedanta Talk 11 by Ira Schepetin

2 ways to get vairāgya: 1. seeing the defects of happiness from objects (it has a beginning and an end) 2. understanding that objects are not real. Bhagavad Gītā ch. 13, 7-11. Spiritual sadhana: developping qualities. Humility is knowledge because it leads to knowledge. Cultivate the qualities through effort. Only if a person has these qualities
direct knowledge can arise. Bhagavad Gītā ch. 13, 12. If you negate everything existing and non existing the self remains. There is no other way to teach the self except by
negation: neti neti. Is vers 13, 12 a contradiction? That which is devoid of all duality is described by adhyaropa and apavāda,” i.e., by superimposition and negation, by
attribution and denial. Intuition of the self. After negation of objects, even the mind, the self stands self revealed.

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