797 – Sacrifice

What is the meaning of sacrifice? Sacrifice means an act of offering to a deity something precious. It also means something given up, like the sacrifice made by the parents for their children. Its moral is that it means achieving of transcendence, in which one sacrifices one’s self interest for the sake of higher values and commitments. A sacrifice is an offering which is made with joy in one’s heart. Self-sacrifice is used to justify the most brutal acts. Continue reading

725 – Osho on happiness

Happiness depends on unhappiness. Bliss is transcendence: one move beyond the duality of being happy and unhappy. One watches both; happiness comes, one does not become identified with it. One does not say, I am happy. Peace, it is wonderful. One watches a white cloud passing. And the one watches a black cloud passing. You are the witness, the watcher.

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