858 – Guru Stotram

A true teacher is compared to God, by his students. The word guru means remover of darkness. Homage is paid to God, the Guru of Guru. Guru mantras originate from various sources.

Guru Stotram from the Vishamsara Tantram (of which only portions survive today) the Guru Gita that is part of the Skanda Purana. The Guru Stotram is also ascribed to Adi Shankaracharya. Continue reading

137 – Who is the Guru

The Guru Stotram say:

Gururbrahma gururvishnuh gururdevo maheshvarah.

Guru is Brahma, guru is Vishnu and guru is Shiva.

Guru is Brahman because he creates for his disciple a new and wondrous world; he is Vishnu because he sustains and protects him; he is Shiva because he annihilates the world of individuality. All great saints have stressed the importance of a guru. In the Ramayana it is said that no one can cross the ocean of samskara without the guru’s help even if he is Brahma or Shiva. Continue reading

Swami Vishnu Devananda chants “Guru Stotram” together with his students (original voice)

Listen to Swami Vishnu Devanandas original voice!
He chants the Guru Stotram with his students and you can chant with him!

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