Be blessed for all your life

The Shree Shiva Tandava Strotram is a hymn written and sung by the demon king Ravana to praise Lord Shiva. It is about the cosmic dance of Shiva that destroys all negative energies, which exist in one. The content describes the beauty and powers of Shiva in the minutest detail. He is addressed as the destroyer of death. And it ends with his refrain, “When will I be happy?” The result was that Ravana received blessings and a celestial sword called Chandrahaas, because of the intensity of his prayers and rigid meditations. Continue reading

999 – Guru Bhakti Stotram

What is a Guru Stuti?
A prayer or Stotram which praises a teacher or Guru as a God and salutes their virtues. “Guru Brahma Guru Vishnu Guru Devo Maheshwara,” is an example.

What is a Guru Paduka Stotram?
A devotional chant which describes the Guru’s sandals as a boat which takes disciples across the ocean of worldly existence to the shores of spiritual wisdom.

What is Akhanda Mandalakaram?
A Guru Stotram which says, “I salute the preceptor who is Himself the Divine Trinity—Brahma, Vishnu and Maheshwara—and who is the supreme Godhead.”

What is a Guru Stotram?
A Stotram which says, “The Guru is the beginning of the Universe, yet he himself is without a beginning, the Guru is the highest deity, and there is none higher than the Guru.” Continue reading

864 – Let Mother Minakshi free you from difficulties

I salute constantly Mother Minakshi (the Goddess with beautiful eyes that resemble fish) who is an ocean of mercy. She is radiant like a million rising suns and shines with beautiful armlets and necklaces. Having large, charming lips that resemble the Bimba fruit (red ivy gourd), she has beautiful teeth and sports a lovely smile. She is adorned with yellow clothes. Vishnu, Brahma and Indra serve her feet; she is the beloved of Shiva and is of the nature of absolute reality.

I salute constantly Mother Minakshi, who is an ocean of mercy. She stays on the left side of Shiva, is the embodiment of the knowledge of Sri Cakra, and is invoked by the lustrous mantra of Hrim. She resides in the dot in the center of the Sri Cakra and is the leader of the assembly held by (herself) the Goddess. Deluding the universe with her beauty, she is at the same time the mother of Kartikeya and Ganesha.

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750 – Shiv Tandava Strotram

By Ravana

Salutations to Lord Shiva, whose hair is like a dense forest, whose throat is wet by the pure flowing water of the Ganga. The snakes resting around the neck of Shiva are like long garlands. They are iridescent in the sunlight. The sound of the drums is echoing the passionate dance of Shiva. Continue reading

Swami Vishnu Devananda chants “Shankara Stotram” (original voice)

Listen to Swami Vishnu Devanandas original voice!
He chants the Shankara Stotram and you can chant with him!

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Swami Vishnu Devananda chants “Guru Stotram” together with his students (original voice)

Listen to Swami Vishnu Devanandas original voice!
He chants the Guru Stotram with his students and you can chant with him!

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