Sita the daughter of Mother Prithvi

The bow of Shiva was the creation from the conversation between Shiva and Shakti. It was a perfect bow, the outcome of Tapasya and Yagna. Tapasya was like the shaft of the bow and Yagna was like the string of the bow. Individually Tapasya and Yagna cannot create a bow. Too loose the bow is useless, too tight the bow will break. To create a bow, the shaft has to bend and the string has to be taut. Therefore, the bow was created, by joining tapasya and yagna. It was a symbol of all relationships, of all man and woman in marriage, and of king and kingdom. Continue reading

Tapasya and Yagna


Shiva meditated on Mount Kailash, which was barren, and he was covered in snow. Shiva became the supreme tapasvi as he had destroyed hunger. Prakriti took the form of Shakti and said to Shiva, “Hunger distinguishes creatures from being alive and dead. You are a corpse as you have no hunger. Vegetation happens when there is water and soil. An animal seeks food to satisfy his hunger.” Continue reading

417 – Understanding Rama

Is it possible for us to emulate Rama? What is Ram Rajya? Can we make this earth, Ram Rajya, so we have love and peace prevailing? No wars and food for all.

Ram Raj is the kingdom of God. Equal rights to rich and poor. We have to look within ourselves. We have to address our faults and shut our eyes to the faults of our neighbors. Practice Atmabhava. Love for our fellow beings. Continue reading

313 – The origin of the 10 powerful forms of the Goddess

Sati (first avatar of Parvati) and Shiva were married much against her father’s will. She was her father’s favorite child. Her father Daksha organized a Yagna, a great sacrifice. All the Gods were invited, other than Sati and her husband Shiva. Sati was heart-broken and Shiva being Shiva did not care. She begged him to take her to the Yagna uninvited. He refused and then she transformed herself into 10 manifestations of herself and each form was more terrifying than the other. They surrounded Shiva and he had to agree to her demand. Continue reading