It is fabled that elephants are very wise creatures. Now to add to this fable, research is proving that elephants speak to each other. Their calls can be differentiated from as to whether they are speaking to each other in a family group or in a group of male elephants. It can also be made out whether they are calm or agitated. They are capable of vocal limitation and they learn from each other. Each family has a specific dialect which can be recognized in terms of an individual belonging to a family. Also, each individual has a different tone. Continue reading
Tag Archives: elephants
745 – A true tale about elephants and mice
Dear ones, what does it mean when I write how much is enough. And the next one what are problems?
I will start with how much is enough. In my earlier life, I would tell my colleagues that if we saw an elephant on Wednesday, all our problems would be solved. We were struggling as an NGO and we were running three projects for which we had to report regularly. We had to deal with many issues, our runaway boys, the AIDS Hotline and the Voluntary Counselling and Testing HIV/AIDS Centre. The projects were in three different areas. I would tell my colleagues that our difficulties would be resolved if we would see an elephant. Continue reading
024 – Who does not love elephants
Elephants are venerated and treated with respect. Feed an elephant a dozen bananas and you will be surprised how quickly she can eat them, twelve dozen bananas are a better bet. And I have done that. Continue reading