Must I understand about friendship?

We can read as much as we like about friendship and imagine that we have plenty of friends. However, when one is introspective and aware, then does one understand what friendship means. A few famous quotes for you to comprehend the true meaning of friendship. Yoga Sadhana enables us to appreciate what true friendship is.

The only way to have a friend is to be one. Continue reading

932 – Confrontation and Compassion

Living in this world, we are exposed to daily acts of compassion and confrontation. When one reads the newspaper or reads the news on the net or screen, news flashes past.

My morning started with my two wild cats coming for breakfast. One of them is an abandoned Burmese cat. He is enormous and handsome. My other cat is a female and she is the daughter of an abandoned Abyssinian. I know, many of you of will think that how is it possible that such beautiful cats have been forsaken. And look at the irony they have come to my balcony. Continue reading

723 – Liberation / Freedom

What does it mean to be liberated? When we speak about liberation, we think of freedom from tradition and escape from conservative ideas. I have been thinking about this word my dear ones, and my understanding of it is to be free from fear. Continue reading