619 – Treat all spines with respect

Did you know that the elephant vertebrae in its spine point upwards just like humans. Elephants are recognized for their strength and size. However, their backs are not designed to carry weight. This puts their spines at risk and they can cave in when used for work like tourist rides. Their spines turn concave and they are in immense agony. They use their trunks to lift heavy weights. It is shocking to learn this fact about their spine. The elephant is exploited and we have been unaware of the suffering they have been exposed to. Continue reading

368 – Forgiveness

What do we know about forgiveness? It is a word used freely and frankly. We say sorry at the drop of a hat. Do we really feel sorry or is it just a word? How does one feel, when one says it. For most of us it is like saying have a nice day. If one says sorry with real emotion, then one will feel a change within oneself. Sorry is used in sarcasm, and it is expressed as a sneer. Continue reading

James Swartz – Conciousness and matter – Talk 10

Swami Chinmayananda. Consciousness and matter. Four types
of devotees: Devoted to god because of suffering. Spiritual
materialism principle and Vedanta. Seeker of god or truth. Nondual
devotee. The lower and the higher self. Krishna, Arjuna and
the cosmic vision. Until you see the beauty in the ugliness you
are not free. Understand what is imperfect is perfect. You are

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