Colors are the smiles of nature. – Leigh Hunt
Nature always wears the colors of the spirit. – Ralph Waldo Emerson
Colors like features, follow the changes of the emotions. – Pablo Picasso
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Tag Archives: visualize
560 – Chant with your heart
Ajapa Japa Sadhana as explained by Swami Satyananda Saraswati.
When we chant, we are uttering from the mouth, when we chant from the heart, it is called Ajapa. Ajapa Japa is a complete sadhana and through it one can have direct experience of samadhi. Continue reading
405 – Give stress a forever vacation
Today I saw a beautiful cartoon. It shows Garfield, the fat orange cat lying on his back saying that he had given stress a day of rest. It made me laugh and appreciate the truth. We all are continuously entangled with anxiety and stress. It is unceasing. Continue reading
359 – Possession and possessiveness
What is the definition of possession? Something that you own or are carrying with you. Why does possession have such a powerful hold on us? Let us examine why possession has its tentacles wrapped around us. Is our love possessive for our child, partner, parent, and pet? Can we own an individual? Is it healthy to be possessive? Continue reading
319 – Difference between Karma and Karma Yoga
You create karma when you act with yourself in mind, with your personal desires and motivation. When you act, not for yourself but as a service, the mind is freed, and you experience the benefits of karma yoga. Continue reading
308 – Instant Emancipation from Distress
While I was teaching this thought came to my mind, that we want everything quickly. There is no patience left in us. When I have to look for a word or information, I go to Google and I find it. Continue reading
286 – Dhanya Vad, the thank-you-mantra
The world around is always on the move. Many of us do not look around us. We are staring at our phones continuously. I am surprised that many of us have so much to speak about. I see people going for a walk, going to work, driving, at the beauty parlor, at a restaurant and they all have one thing in common. They are on the phone. I seem to among the few, who is not gawping at the phone. If only we could take time off from our phone, shut off the visual and auditory stimulation coming from it, and appreciate what is happening around us. Continue reading
252 – The power of words
It is said that words stay in the ether, and they never vanish. We are always exchanging words and sometimes they are so cruel and hurtful. We regret afterwards, at least I hope we do and the other person will always remember them. What can we do about it? How is it possible to stop being abrasive and offensive? Continue reading
115 – Try these 6 tips for a happier self during winter
True beauty is from within. I wrote about beauty influencers, and today I will give you an effective routine which will chase the winter blues away. Maintain a daily regimen. Continue reading
073 – Real Wealth
“He enjoys peace, who is endowed with samata (affinity), who is free from raag-dvesh (likes and dislikes), and harsh-sokaj (exhilaration and depression). Samata is supreme wealth. Man tries to amass wealth but vairagya (detachment) is the supreme wealth which blows out all other wealth. All our wealth is straw for a man of Vairagya.” – Swami Sivanananda.