905 – 9 ways to practice bhakti sadhana

  1. Shravana: listening to the stories of the lord.

  2. Kirtan: singing about the qualities of the lord.

  3. Smaranam: remembering the name of the lord.

  4. Padaseva: cultivating a feeling of universal oneness.

  5. Archana: surrendering all one’s deeds to the lord through worship, ritual and reverence.

  6. Vandana: the humbling of one’s ego, the bowing of one’s head.

  7. Dasya: serving, seva.

  8. Sakhya: having the attitude of a friend.

  9. Atmanivedana: surrendering oneself totally.

Srimad Bhagwatam

Let us examine these methods of Bhakti Sadhana. Continue reading

829 – What is the nature of spiritual initiation?

One wishes to attract the attention of an entity one can see but one does not know his name. One uses a word or a sound to attract his attention. He comes over and says that his name is so and so and was one seeking him. Similarly, God himself in the role of the Guru discloses himself to the pilgrim wandering in search of a guide. In the ultimate analysis the pilgrim is one with the name and with the Guru. How can it be otherwise? He alone can impart the gift of his name and none but he himself can sustain the knowledge of his name. As explained by Sri Anandamayi Ma. Continue reading

787 – Dispeller of darkness and ignorance

In the Hindu tradition, the real Guru is regarded as the divine him/herself. A Guru is the only one who dispels the darkness within one, and then leads one to the light which is burning within oneself. S/he guides one spiritually, without being didactic or dictatorial. A guru enables one to become a better human being and accept one’s flaws. A guru is blessed with divine grace. Continue reading