214 – Astrology and us

According to the Vedas, when a soul takes birth, it descends through the heavens and the atmosphere before reaching earth. It takes on heavier sheaths of material density. It can only take birth in the physical plane at a time karmically in accord with its nature and destiny. The birth chart represents the seed pattern of its life; how it develops depends upon the environment as well. Continue reading

205 – How to overcome humiliation, disappointment and rejection

Swami Satyananda Saraswati said:

“Physical pain and mental agony strengthens the mind. Physical difficulties make the body strong. Most people have difficulties accepting this principle, because nobody wishes to suffer pain, mental agonies, physical afflictions or discomforts. When one is amidst the pleasantries of life, the mind regresses into a tamasic state, for there is no conflict in it. However the key to evolution is conflict.”

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