Who does not love the sun and moon? There is a charming story about the sun and moon. A very fragrant flower called ‘Raat ki Rani’ (Queen of the Night), or Night Jasmine, fell in love with the sun, but he ignored her. She was heartbroken and decided that she would only flower at night. Then there is the sunflower is called Suraj Mukhi, which opens and gazes at the sun in the day and closes in the evening. Continue reading
Tag Archives: moon
696 – Nasadiya Suktam, pt. 2
Part 2 of the Hymn of Creation.
10. From that Sacrifice, the Cosmic offering,
Issued forth Rcas (individual stanzas) and Sama-hymns;
From that were born rhythmic meters,
From that also Yajus came. Continue reading
648 – The light of Brahman
The sun shines not there, nor the moon and the stars, nor these lightnings, not to speak of this fire. When He shines, everything shines after Him; All this is illumined by his radiance. – Mundaka Upanishad. Verse 2.2.10.
647 – In whose light?
There is another state called Turiya and it is the state of supreme awareness. What is this form of the Turiya state? A story is narrated by Swami Niranjananda on Turiya state. Continue reading
609 – What should I do?
My dear ones, three stressors are currently dominating my life. I am praying, am justifying it and telling myself that it will pass.
The first one is that a loved one is having a major, health problem. I am chanting and hoping that it will end well.
The organization which I consider like my second home is having problems. The issues are complex and one is hoping for a favorable outcome. Continue reading
485 – Nuggets about Astrology
What is the connection between planets and our body parts? What gems and colors should we use to help ourselves?
The Sun effects our bones, joints, skin, right eye, spleen and stomach.
The Moon effects our heart, mind, brain, esophagus, alimentary canal, lungs, left eye, breast, blood and other body fluids. Continue reading
425 – The Sun and the Moon Pyramids
We are in Mexico and enjoying the color and beauty of the country. We visited Teotihuacan which is a pre-Columbian site. There is an avenue of the dead and it originally linked the Temple of Quetzalcoatl with the two pyramids. Continue reading
416 – Knowing the Lord
The Chandogya Upanishad says that Bhuma is a celebration of the auspicious qualities of the Supreme One. When Bhuman is seen and heard, nothing else is seen or heard. When Bhuman is known, nothing else is known. Swaroopoham refers to realization of truth. Love and bhakti are within us. Pursuit of Bhakti with sincerity and genuineness is essential. Continue reading
399 – The platinum bunch
A platinum key! What kind of lock would this key fit? The platinum key is our anchor and our savior. A symbol is what we must seek. We are blessed if our Guru gives us one or we find one. The usual place for a symbol is behind our eyebrow centre. It can be a yantra, mandala, deity, sun, moon, star, or flower. Once we feel comfortable with it, we stay with it. How do we use it? It becomes a part of us.it never leaves us and when we use the other four keys, it is present. It rescues us and protects us. Continue reading
214 – Astrology and us
According to the Vedas, when a soul takes birth, it descends through the heavens and the atmosphere before reaching earth. It takes on heavier sheaths of material density. It can only take birth in the physical plane at a time karmically in accord with its nature and destiny. The birth chart represents the seed pattern of its life; how it develops depends upon the environment as well. Continue reading