You find this in the Rig Veda, the oldest known Vedic Sanskrit text, about water, one of the very important elements.
Apah Suktam
Aapo Hi Sthaa Mayo
Bhuvasthaa. – Mandala 10, Sukta 9
You find this in the Rig Veda, the oldest known Vedic Sanskrit text, about water, one of the very important elements.
Apah Suktam
Aapo Hi Sthaa Mayo
Bhuvasthaa. – Mandala 10, Sukta 9
Might is right. Who is mighty? Mighty is a person who is more powerful and stronger than us. They are people who can go unchallenged even if their action is in fact unjustified. Woe betides anyone who questioned them. I have observed this in the confrontations which happen in my balcony. I love cats; however, I stopped keeping cats as my cats became like dogs. Since we always had a dog, our cats came later, and they would follow us on our walks. Outcome was our cats were killed by strays. They became fearless. Now we have cats visiting us on our balcony and they are wild. Continue reading
I speak and write about fear but it is an ongoing battle for all of us. A few days ago I fell down on the moving escalator, flat on my back. I will now share with you the history of my fall. Continue reading