947 – Who are Shaktas?

A Shakta is a devotee of the Mother Goddess and his/her prayer can be described like this verse:

May all my idle talk be your japa, sound divine,
May all my gestures be your mudras,
May all my steps be around your seat,
May all my lying down be your pranam,
May all your oblations be my only food,
And may all acts of mine be in joy for you.

Extracted from a hymn dedicated to Tripura Sundari from Saundarya Lahiri. Continue reading

837 – Meditations

The Temple of Nature: Rig Veda

Nature’s beauty is an act of God
Let us feel the touch of God’s invisible hands.
In everything beautiful
By the first touch of his hand,
Rivers throb and ripple
When He smiles the sun shines,
The moon glimmers, the stars twinkle,
The flowers bloom
By the first ray of the rising sun
The universe is stirred,
The shining gold is sprinkled
On the smiling buds of rose;
The fragrant air is filled
With sweet melodies
Of singing birds.
The Dawn is the dream of
God’s creative fancy.

Chandogya Upanishad 1.10 & 1.11

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809 – Water is life


Turned into strife.

Water makes up 60% of our bodies. On Earth, it appears as lakes, rivers, seas and oceans and it covers 71% of the earth’s surface. Water also exists in the air as water vapor. Currently 44% of all wastewater returns to earth untreated. This means that all our waste (human, household sewerage, toxic and medical) is released directly into the planet’s ecosystems.

We have forgotten what water means. Continue reading

702 – Are we all equal?

Women, men and non-binary. I am addressing all of you, dear ones. What images do we have of ourselves? The image of men has not changed at all. They can be dressed in fine clothes with gold fountain pens in their pockets and brief cases made of the finest fabrics. Women and non-binary are the ones, whose image keeps changing. Continue reading

533 – Are We Needy?

What are our basic needs? Food, water, shelter, clothing, sunlight and sleep. Abraham Maslow was an American psychologist who created the Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. His description is given below. The first is physiological needs, second is safety and security, third is love and belonging, fourth is self-esteem and last is self-actualization. Continue reading

226 – Perceive the Lord

In these harsh and disturbed times, we can contribute by self-purification. Cleansing of our thoughts will lead to removal of negativity. I have taken the liberty of combining the teachings of the Veda with the teachings from the Bible. It is only possible for us to end the conflict by practicing detachment, and empathy. Atma Bhava love for our brethren will lead to a resolution. Good Friday is for us to seek forgiveness, not only for ourselves but for saving mother earth. Continue reading

111 – Who does not love their Mums

Our first memory is of our mother, her touch, her unconditional love, and her sacrifices. Devi is the mother of creation. She is the divine mother and is the benevolent power of the lord or the creative energy. We go to our mother for fulfillment of our needs. She nourishes us physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. Continue reading