978 – Make the lotus in my heart bloom

Hridaya Kamalam Kolam (lotus in the heart) is a hand drawn yantra for Goddess Lakshmi. Kolams are ancient symbols meant to be sacred welcoming areas for the Hindu deities. Kolam means beauty and are identified by their geometrical patterns, dots, curves and lines often marked by the use of white wheat flour. Continue reading

761 – What we learnt as children in a Hindu home

It was unspoken. We knew that God would bless us. Since most of us asked for help to get us out of trouble. It depended on whom one asked. Favorites were Ganesha, Hanuman, Durga, and Saraswati. There were certain simple rituals practiced at home. They were not in your face but they were there. The lamp, and the incense made one aware of the light and the fragrance. And if on the way to school one passed a shrine, one closed one’s eyes for a moment. Continue reading

423 – Lotus, the favourite flower of Gods

The lotus is the most powerful symbol of spirituality, beauty, fertility and prosperity. According to Hinduism within each of us is the spirit of the lotus. It is the Anahata chakra or Hrit Padma (heart-lotus), which is the gateway to our soul. The Anahata chakra is described as blue. Continue reading