572 – Samskaras

The word samskara comes from the Sanskrit sam (complete or joined together) and kara (action, cause or doing). Samskaras are embedded in the Chitta, known as the subconscious mind. There it continues to be a subliminal action and become a samskara. Samskaras are the subtle impressions of our past actions. Actions which we perform with full awareness are the ones that make the greatest impressions on our mind. Continue reading

557 – Meditation on Devi

In the mudra of granting what you desire.

The mantra for granting our heart’s desire is from Saundarya Lahiri – Verse 3.

Jadaanaam Chaitanya tabaka-makaranda-sruti-jharee;
Daridraanam chintaa manigunanikaa janmajaladhau
Nimagagaanam damshtraa muraripu-varaahasya bhavati.

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417 – Understanding Rama

Is it possible for us to emulate Rama? What is Ram Rajya? Can we make this earth, Ram Rajya, so we have love and peace prevailing? No wars and food for all.

Ram Raj is the kingdom of God. Equal rights to rich and poor. We have to look within ourselves. We have to address our faults and shut our eyes to the faults of our neighbors. Practice Atmabhava. Love for our fellow beings. Continue reading

203 – Meditation and Karma Yoga Combo

Meditation is such a powerful word, and its implications are that if we meditate daily, we are very advanced beings. I am using the exact description of the Hindi word ‘pahucha hua’ (a holy man), which is applied to a person who does daily sadhana along with the rituals, which reinforce the image. As a child I have heard sannyasins described so. I imagined that they had reached a distant destination as this word also means reaching. Continue reading

127 – In the garden of our heart and mind

When you are asked to close your eyes and visualize a garden. What do you see? Pause and enjoy what you see. Is it dusk or dawn? Are you in summer or winter? Are the birds singing and is the fragrance of the flowers everywhere. Is it a winter garden? Is it covered in snow and the purity of the snow is blinding? Is there a pond there? Does it have fish, ducks, or swans? What is the light like? What is the colour of the sky? Or are you in a desert and there is sand everywhere? Or is it a place where everything is dead and barren? What is the state of your mind? Continue reading