450 – i carry your heart with me (i carry it in)

A poem about Radha and Krishna by E. E. Cummings.

i carry your heart with me (i carry it in my heart) i am never without it (anywhere i go you go, my dear; and whatever is done by only me is your doing, my darling) i fear
no fate (for you are my fate, my sweet) i want
no world (for beautiful you are my world, my true) Continue reading

422 – Chant Aum constantly

“Make Aum your name. Aum is Atman, the soul, Aum is the Brahman (ultimate reality). Aum is absolute existence, knowledge, and bliss. Aum is your centre, your silence, your refuge and shelter Aum is your heart (hridaya). Do Aum japa, feel Aum, live in Aum. Aum is everywhere, in everything, hum Aum, live in truth, feel Aum everywhere in the ether, flowers, trees, stones, inanimate and animate objects. Rejoice in the light of truth, knowledge and bliss. There is a vast ocean of bliss and knowledge at the back of the mind. Drive the mind into that source.” Swami Sivananda Saraswati.

Aum reminds us of our identity with the supreme soul. Aum blows out our false ego. Continue reading

412 – Truth and Morality

Our parents, our teachers and our elders elucidated never tell an untruth. I did not attach any importance to it as I never lied to my mother. My father was very strict and so in self-defense or to protect a sibling one lied. Morality was a word also used a great deal and one thought that it was associated with character. When I had my own children, I realized how important it was to tell the truth, and what was the actual meaning of morality. Continue reading

182 – The twin sisters

We make such a fuss about twins. A good twin and an evil twin. Then there were all those novels and films written and made about lost twins, identical twins and twins hurting each other unknowingly. I was a twin and I have twin sons. What is interesting is that they buy similar things though they live in different continents and sometimes identical events happen to them. They are fraternal twins. Continue reading

164 – Take care of your mind as you do of your body

We all take great care of our body. We use fragrant soaps, lotions and perfumes. Our desire is to look good and attractive. We touch up and blow-dry our pictures on facebook and want to present a beautiful persona to the world. We eat healthy as we aspire to be full of energy and have a glow of wellbeing. We exercise and many of us came to Yoga because we wanted to remain fit. When we are unwell, we go to the doctor and take care of ourselves. We are completely involved with our external appearance. Continue reading

127 – In the garden of our heart and mind

When you are asked to close your eyes and visualize a garden. What do you see? Pause and enjoy what you see. Is it dusk or dawn? Are you in summer or winter? Are the birds singing and is the fragrance of the flowers everywhere. Is it a winter garden? Is it covered in snow and the purity of the snow is blinding? Is there a pond there? Does it have fish, ducks, or swans? What is the light like? What is the colour of the sky? Or are you in a desert and there is sand everywhere? Or is it a place where everything is dead and barren? What is the state of your mind? Continue reading

119 – What is the purpose of our birth

My Guru, Swami Satyanananda Saraswati said “God has created you, so that you may find him within your heart, deep within yourself, beyond the body consciousness, beyond the mental consciousness, beyond the intellectual consciousness. Beyond all forms of consciousness of which you become conscious, there is a consciousness called Brahman… hidden in you.” Continue reading

089 – Need of a Guru

“In 1943, my Guru Swami Sivananda gave me a mantra and told me to practice five malas every day. The practice took me no longer than three minutes in all. I practiced five malas regularly every day and during this period the most important link in my life was formed in those three minutes. Had I renounced my link with the mantra, I would never have achieved what I have today. These five malas saved me so today I can stand firmly as a swami, holding the torch of a spiritual culture.” Swami Satyananda Saraswati.

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