Merging of the Sangam and the union of Shiva Shakti

Our 72,000 nadis are the network for the prana. We have three nadis through which we operate as it would be too confusing to try and work with all of them or a few. We choose Ida, Pingala and Sushumna nadi for awakening the Kundalini and merging of Shiva Shakti.

We address Ganga, Yamuna and Saraswati as the most sacred rivers. We believe that whatever flows into the sacred rivers, emerges purified and cleansed. Continue reading

Sacred Rivers

Rivers are considered sacred in Hinduism and are core of the faith. It is believed that one’s sins are washed away in the river as it is always flowing. The spiritual and practical significances are many. Many rivers are personified as Goddesses. Therefore, bathing in them is considered to be cleansed of one’s sins. The water of the rivers is used in rituals, and it represents the concept of purity and cleanliness.

There are seven rivers considered sacred, and they are called the Saptanadi. They are Ganga, Yamuna, Godavari, Saraswati, Narmada, Sindhu/Indus, and Kaveri. Continue reading

104 – Our understanding of Hatha Yoga

Today when people speak of Hatha Yoga, their understanding is a flexible body and to be able to perform complicated asanas. The actual meaning of Hatha Yoga is to create balance between the body and the mind. Hatha represents the two aspects of within the body and mind. The Surya shakti (solar energy) and Chandra shakti (lunar energy). The solar energy is associated with prana shakti, vital energy, and the lunar energy is associated with chitta shakti, mental energy. Hatha Yoga balances these two energies. We are alive because of these two energies which combine and purify our Prana. Continue reading

082 – Discover the mind

Both Swami Sivananda and Swami Satyanananda were clear that if you want peace of mind, balance and want to follow the spiritual path, you have to tame your mind. Swamiji said that if you have a quarrel with your partner or family, you may sleep in a separate room but your mind cannot be put in another room. It will sleep with you, it will play with your thoughts, give you dreams and wake you up the next morning not rested but more upset. So how does one quieten this mind. Swamiji has laid emphasis on the mind. Swami Sivananda has emphasised on developing positive qualities of the mind and eradicating the negative and restrictive qualities of the mind. Continue reading