371 – Why do temples have domes?


The temple domes were modelled on the sky. If one sits under an open sky and repeats AUM, one’s voice will be lost, because the strength of an individual’s voice will be lost in the sky. One will not be able to hear the reverberation and the echo of the chanting. The sky absorbs it. Continue reading

357 – Sound, Sabda and Vak

Sound is described as Sabda and Vak. It is the most ancient vibration, it precedes creation and is eternal. It travels through the air or another medium and can be heard when they reach a being’s ears. Sound is not heard by just by our ears, where there is motion or vibration of any kind that is sound according to Tantra. Continue reading

250 – Empower your child

Look into a mirror, it shows your reflection. If the mirror is cracked, it will reflect a cracked image. The mind of a child if it is disturbed or upset will reveal an unwholesome likeness. In order to enable the child to review her/him/self equably, we have to work on the process of one-pointedness. Continue reading

246 – Our eight senses

We have eight senses, and they all require prana management. Our five senses which we are familiar with are sight (vision), sound (hearing), smell (olfaction), taste (gustation), touch (tactile perception), and the three senses we are not so familiar with are vestibular (balance), prioceptive (movement) and introceptive (internal). Let us take a quick look at them. Continue reading