912 – How attentive are we when we listen to a story?

Give it a thought. There are stories and stories. Some make us laugh, some make us sad, and some make us angry. Do we ever think about what some of the stories are telling us. Remember I wrote about Sphota, a revelation, which happens to the hearer. This word hearer is a strange word, we are accustomed to listener. Continue reading

910 – What is Sphota?

Sphota literally means ‘sudden opening’ or ‘disclosure’ which is taking place in both speaker and hearer. The sound of speech called Dhvani evokes the Sphota in the hearer.

Are we aware of this sudden realization of this knowledge? I do not wish to be judgmental, dear ones. We can go through life without this Sphota. Let me illustrate to you how we can learn from these sudden disclosures. Continue reading

357 – Sound, Sabda and Vak

Sound is described as Sabda and Vak. It is the most ancient vibration, it precedes creation and is eternal. It travels through the air or another medium and can be heard when they reach a being’s ears. Sound is not heard by just by our ears, where there is motion or vibration of any kind that is sound according to Tantra. Continue reading