966 – Tara, the Savior

Mother, dark blue Saraswati, who grants all that is auspicious to those who surrender to you, who sits with your left leg extended, you who are the heart of Shiva, with a smiling lotus face.
Who has three eyes similar to the fully open blue lotus flower, who is the one who does,
And who wears skull, lotus and sword, you are my only hope and so I surrender to you, Oh Goddess
Sitting on a dais folding the left leg and leaving free the right leg. – Meditation form of Tara from Tara Ashtakam

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596 – 5 sacrifices to offer

There are five sacrifices which we must offer daily and these are spoken about by all Gurus. There are five Gods also associated with the sacrifices.

  • The Sacrifice to Rishi or Vedas, Rrushi Yajnya (sacrifice for the source of knowledge). Siva is source of knowledge and universal teacher.
  • The Sacrifice to Devas or Deva Yajnya (protection for the environmental powers as Gods). Durga is an integration of all godly powers.
  • The Sacrifice to Pitris or Pitru Yajnya (responsibility for the parents, ancestors and self-genetic system). Surya is a token of respect and remembrance to the ancestors and forefathers.
  • The Sacrifice to Men or Nrru Yajyna (positive interaction with fellow human beings of the society). Ganesha is the God for this sacrifice and is associated with community activity.
  • The Sacrifice to Bhutas or Bhoota Yajnya (care for the protection of biodiversity). Vishnu is the God for preserving the universe.

Each one of these has an outer and external meaning. Continue reading

535 – Taming our heart

Belong means accord, fit, be a part of, to be akin, to have a relationship. We all want to belong to someone. I am going to share excerpts from ‘The Little Prince’ with you:

One sees clearly only with the heart. Anything essential is invisible to the eyes… it’s the time that you spent on your rose that makes the rose so important… You become responsible for what you’ve tamed. You’re responsible for your rose. Continue reading

357 – Sound, Sabda and Vak

Sound is described as Sabda and Vak. It is the most ancient vibration, it precedes creation and is eternal. It travels through the air or another medium and can be heard when they reach a being’s ears. Sound is not heard by just by our ears, where there is motion or vibration of any kind that is sound according to Tantra. Continue reading

287 – Who is a millennium Dad?

The meaning of millennium is a period of great happiness or human perfection. So a millennium father is one who raises children free from fear. I have only taken fear as being free from fear is our oldest prayer as mentioned in the Vedas. Being fearless is the greatest gift our father can gift us. Continue reading

178 – Bija Mantras and Us

Today in the morning I was playing the chants in the garden. The birds started singing and whistling when Krishna Das was singing Hanuman Chalisa. They enjoy his singing, whether it is in Goa, Delhi or Germany. The crows like a harder voice and they cawwed to their hearts content with Aditya Hyrdayam. We soon had a bird band. Continue reading