794 – Why should we lock out natural sounds?

Most of us are wearing our ear buds and we have barred ourselves from our surrounding sounds. What are we listening to? Music, self-improvement, YouTubes, spiritual discourses and other subjects. Are we practicing pratyahara by shutting ourselves from external sounds? Continue reading

602 – Healing traits to have

Plant seeds of happiness, kindness and friendship; it will all come back to you in abundance. This is the law of Nature. – Swami Niranjanananda Saraswati

He further says that within all of us there is a very special quality—Sam Rakshan, the caring nature. Sam means complete and Rakshan means to protect and preserve. It is this innate nature that takes one out of one’s self-centered ego and puts the comfort and happiness of others first. Continue reading

556 – Negative 4 traits to positive 4 qualities

What are the negative four traits? They are the characteristics which we all have. They are ignorance, greed, anger and delusion. The positive four qualities are based on stability, physical, emotional, mental and spiritual, and the conversion happens through some simple yogic practices. Continue reading

520 – Everyone is Divine

The more I live, the more I become convinced everyday that every human being is divine. In no man or woman however vile, does that divinity die… You must know what you are, what your real nature is. You must become conscious of that infinite nature within. Then your divine bondage will burst. – Swami Vivekananda

The main idea in Tantra is having faith in oneself, which according to Tantra is equivalent to having faith in God because neither Tantra nor Vedanta views God as something different from the person. Therefore, if we leave aside the idea of God sitting somewhere up in heaven while we are down here faith in God simply means having faith in ourselves, in what we do and express and achieve to the best of our ability—slowly and slowly developing the creative aspect of our personality. – Swami Satyananda Saraswati

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453 – Science of Sound

In ancient times words and music were used to attain an altered state of mind. Music was an aid to develop the mind, spirit, emotions and sensitivity. In this modern age, different forms of music have developed. Until recent times music was used to tranquilize the agitations of the mind. – Swami Niranjananda Saraswati.

In the beginning was Brahman with whom was the Word. And the Word is Brahman. Vedas.
In the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the word was God. – New Testament, The Gospel of St. John.

Hinduism and Christianity agree that in the beginning was the Word. There are many sounds: the sounds of the Cosmos, Primal Vibration, the Logos, the Music of the Spheres, the Word, the Tone and many more. All of these are included in the Sanskrit term Aum. Continue reading

269 – Change the colors of our rage

Anger is present everywhere. How do you see anger? What is its color? Black, red, purple or white? Now think about these colors. Black is a color which symbolizes power, sophistication and also evokes images of death, misfortune and evil. Yet we say black with rage. Red is a color of passion and energy. Yet it also represents anger. Purple is a color of spirituality and imagination. Yet it is also said purple with rage. Last is white which is associated with purity and innocence. Again we say white with rage. All these colors have such powerful associations and when we express annoyance, all these colors become negative in their representation. Continue reading

222 – Become free of your samskaras and join the witness protection program

When I wrote the title, I immediate thought of the witness protection programs, we see on television. If you think about it, our samskaras haunt us, and samskaras are based on our past experiences. We want to be free and it is like running away from a crime. How do we become rid of them? Continue reading

212 – How do I train my monkey mind

We are all familiar with an agitated and distracted mind. As children we were made to stand in corners or put our fingers on our lips. We were told that our attention span is that of a gold fish’s (five seconds). As adults, we continue give in to our frantic thoughts and try to fight them. Even in a Yoga class, we will fidget. It is not unusual at all. And now we wish to practice meditation. How should we go about it? We could not sit still as kids and this habit persists. As adults we can now be compared to having a monkey mind. It is really frustrating as some of us are not aware of our ineptitude. Continue reading

192 – Do we have a real friend

Who is a friend? A friend is a person who is there for us. A friend never lets us down. Our friend always tells us the truth and looks out for us.

There are so many proverbs about friends. A friend in need is a friend indeed. A friend’s eye is a good mirror. False friends are worse than open enemies. Friends are thieves of time. Friendship is love with understanding. Continue reading