771 – Love, hope and joy are the true gifts for Christmas

Do we recall the gift God gave us in Jesus? What comes in our minds when we think of Christmas? We worry about our gifts exchange. We think that if our gift is not right, it will be misunderstood. Have we forgotten that we are loved, are never alone and can hope for the future? Continue reading

493 – The fruits of our deeds

What are the fruits of our actions? They are called the fruits of the Holy Spirit. They are listed as charity, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, generosity, gentleness, faithfulness, modesty, self-control, chastity. The tradition of the Church lists twelve of them.

Let us examine each one of the fruits. Continue reading

476 – Great gurus say: love, serve and give

It is a very powerful sentence. Love automatically refers to one being kind and generous to the loved one. Serve means that one is happy to serve a loved one. Lastly giving one’s loved one makes one happy. The answer here is that to love, serve and give completely to all.

Do everything in love. – Corinthian 16:14

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357 – Sound, Sabda and Vak

Sound is described as Sabda and Vak. It is the most ancient vibration, it precedes creation and is eternal. It travels through the air or another medium and can be heard when they reach a being’s ears. Sound is not heard by just by our ears, where there is motion or vibration of any kind that is sound according to Tantra. Continue reading