What are the negative four traits? They are the characteristics which we all have. They are ignorance, greed, anger and delusion. The positive four qualities are based on stability, physical, emotional, mental and spiritual, and the conversion happens through some simple yogic practices. Continue reading
Tag Archives: inner silence
467 – The rules of disengagement
The world is such a beautiful place. The sky is blue, the sun is shining, the flowers are fragrant and dazzling with their colors, the fragrance is enveloping us and the taste of a fruit lingers in our mouth. The sound of the rustling of the leaves and the brushing of the breeze on our face. All our senses are tuned to these wondrous gifts of responses from mother earth. What happens our senses are very seductive; they ensnare us and we become their willing victims. Continue reading
269 – Change the colors of our rage
Anger is present everywhere. How do you see anger? What is its color? Black, red, purple or white? Now think about these colors. Black is a color which symbolizes power, sophistication and also evokes images of death, misfortune and evil. Yet we say black with rage. Red is a color of passion and energy. Yet it also represents anger. Purple is a color of spirituality and imagination. Yet it is also said purple with rage. Last is white which is associated with purity and innocence. Again we say white with rage. All these colors have such powerful associations and when we express annoyance, all these colors become negative in their representation. Continue reading
212 – How do I train my monkey mind
We are all familiar with an agitated and distracted mind. As children we were made to stand in corners or put our fingers on our lips. We were told that our attention span is that of a gold fish’s (five seconds). As adults, we continue give in to our frantic thoughts and try to fight them. Even in a Yoga class, we will fidget. It is not unusual at all. And now we wish to practice meditation. How should we go about it? We could not sit still as kids and this habit persists. As adults we can now be compared to having a monkey mind. It is really frustrating as some of us are not aware of our ineptitude. Continue reading
081 – Burn Out
Burn out is a word used by all of us. Many of us have been burnt out. It is a very frightening word as burnt down means destroyed, wrecked. It is used much more now than in the 20th century. Have we paused to consider why this is happening to us, and why we are not able to prevent it? Is it not our thoughts which have occupied the centre stage of our mind? Our fears, anxieties, frustrations, and miseries have become the actors. They are getting better and better and are ready for an Oscar. The question is what can we do? How should we recognize them and be rid of them? Continue reading
054 – What do we see, with our eyes open
We step out and what do we see. Do we see the green of the trees, and the birds twittering about. Do we see how much dust covers the leaves. Thoughts go through our mind, it is so dusty. And the crows are making a racket, I wish they would shut up. I am giving small examples from day to day living. Continue reading