467 – The rules of disengagement

The world is such a beautiful place. The sky is blue, the sun is shining, the flowers are fragrant and dazzling with their colors, the fragrance is enveloping us and the taste of a fruit lingers in our mouth. The sound of the rustling of the leaves and the brushing of the breeze on our face. All our senses are tuned to these wondrous gifts of responses from mother earth. What happens our senses are very seductive; they ensnare us and we become their willing victims. Continue reading

151 – Grasp your will and not straws

What are we looking for? Are we tending our mind and body? Do we see an unruly, unkempt garden or do we see beauty, bird song, buzzing of bees, colours and fragrances? Are we pulling the weeds out, and leaving the roots in? Are we disgusted with our lives and are we exaggerating what are we encountering? We have to grasp firmly what we are seeking? Continue reading

081 – Burn Out

Burn out is a word used by all of us. Many of us have been burnt out. It is a very frightening word as burnt down means destroyed, wrecked. It is used much more now than in the 20th century. Have we paused to consider why this is happening to us, and why we are not able to prevent it? Is it not our thoughts which have occupied the centre stage of our mind? Our fears, anxieties, frustrations, and miseries have become the actors. They are getting better and better and are ready for an Oscar. The question is what can we do? How should we recognize them and be rid of them? Continue reading

072 – Guilt

We all suffer from guilt. It is part of our personality. If we were free of guilt we would not be motivated to accomplish anything. We survive through guilt and evolve through it. However there is a stage in life when one can be free of guilt, and there will not be any hindrance to one’s mental and emotional growth. Continue reading