My resolves for Christmas

Christmas celebrates the birth of Jesus. It is a time to remember the importance of love, faith, generosity and service.

Dear ones, how do we celebrate Christmas? I know that many of us will put up a Christmas tree and decorate it. We will put up stockings for Santa to fill. We will buy gifts for our loved ones and friends. Of course, we do all these lovely things because we enjoy them. I do not want to dampen your ardor. Continue reading

772 – Christmas Meditation

And the Grinch stood puzzling and puzzling, how could it be so? It came without ribbons… tags… boxes and bags… Then the Grinch thought of something he hadn’t before. What if Christmas, he thought, doesn’t come from a store. What if Christmas, perhaps means a little bit more. – Dr Seuss

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771 – Love, hope and joy are the true gifts for Christmas

Do we recall the gift God gave us in Jesus? What comes in our minds when we think of Christmas? We worry about our gifts exchange. We think that if our gift is not right, it will be misunderstood. Have we forgotten that we are loved, are never alone and can hope for the future? Continue reading

739 – What time frame are we in?

My dear ones, we are in a time frame which is heralding good tidings. Let us look back and see how our past year was spent. How would we like to change it? Have we been conscientious in our quest? What can we do? There are so many things which can be accomplished. We have to seek and the only then will we know the truth. The truth can be cruel but what is worse is when we become indifferent to each other. Our Antennae are out there, but they are only there for our friends. Continue reading

461 – Apply the colors of Christmas in your life

Red, green, gold, purple, white, and blue have very potent associations. The attributes of the colors are very powerful. Red is associated with love, green with regeneration, gold with energy, purple with spirituality, blue with the heart, and white with purity. Continue reading

460 – What Christmas gift will you gift yourself?

There are so many proverbs and sayings and they all say the same thing. However, are we paying attention to the wisdom and the ultimate truth. We are too involved with ourselves and our thoughts. Our thoughts are governing us, and they do not allow us to look beyond our nose. Continue reading

456 – Why do we sing Christmas carols?

Christmas carols are sung because it is a way of telling the story of the nativity and the birth of Jesus Christ. It also enables one to express joy and hope. However, when we hear the carolers, we just listen to the carols without registering their actual meaning.

They are joyful hymns and the seven lessons that we can learn from them are: Continue reading

452 – God is with us

Do we need to be reminded that God is with us, in our midst? Do we need these adjectives to describe Christmas: colorful, sparkly, merry, bright, precious etc.? Lights, candles, trees which are evergreen, stars, bells, holly, peppermint canes etc. What are these symbols representing? Continue reading

449 – Sayings of a Parmahamsa

Swami Satyananda Saraswati narrated a story. Once upon a time there was a thunderous sound in the firmament. The sound was Da repeated three times. The sages and seers who were assembled heard the uproar and asked what the sound indicated. They were told that it meant three things: be restrained: be compassionate and learn to give. Continue reading

448 – The act of giving

Prasad, bhet, akshat and daan are different names for giving.

Daan means charity. Any giving by a householder is known as daan.

Prasad means an offering of goodwill. Any giving that happens in a temple, church or ashram is known as prasad. This offering or present carries good wishes for one’s health, happiness, prosperity and peace. Continue reading