757 – Who is a Hindu?

Dear ones, my eldest granddaughter is writing a story about a boy living in a Hindu family. She is half German and she has been coming to Yoga Vidya since she was two. Her two younger brothers have also been coming. Well, she rang me up and asked me what being a Hindu meant. She associated it with being religious. Continue reading

614 – Sunday the day for Surya

Sunday is called Ravivaar in Sanskrit. Ravi means Sun and vaar means day. Sunday is dedicated to worship Surya, who is the primary source of all energy to the universe. Worship of Surya leads to the granting of intelligence, courage, devotion to God and self-reliance and authority. Continue reading

209 – The divine fruit

The coconut is called the divine fruit, Shri phal. Who does not venerate the coconut? It is used as an object of worship. It is delicious in food, used in medicines and cosmetics. Every part of the tree is utilized.

“The mind has its own place, and in itself can make a heaven of Hell, a hell of heaven”, Milton. Continue reading

157 – What my Guru said

I started teaching Yoga when I was 28 years old. Now I am 72, and am still working. I came to Yoga because I was discontented with my life and I was having severe pain in my left hand. It so happened that my husband was posted in Munger and the ashram was close by. I was involved with my sadness and pain. Continue reading